Tuisil Ginideach Flashcards
ainm an fhir
the man’s name
doras an tí
the house’s door
dath na spéire
the color of the sky
barr an chnoic
the top of the hill
clár na scoile
the school’s board
eochair an chairr
the car’s key
ceann an bhóthair
the end of the road
leabhar an dalta
the student’s book
doras an tseomra
the room’s door
fuinneog an tí
the house’s window
carr an dochtúra
the doctor’s car
mála an mhúinteora
the teacher’s bag
cóta an fhir
the man’s coat
hata na mná
the woman’s hat
uachtar an bhainne
the top of the milk
soilse na cathrach
the city’s lights
tonnta na farraige
the waves of the sea
bosa na lámha
the palms of the hands
sciathán an eitleáin
the wing of the plane
ceol na n-éan
the music of the birds
i lár na páirce
in the middle of the field
ar bharr an chnoic
on top of the hill
i gceartlár na cathrach
in the city center
timpeall an domhain
around the world
os comhair an tí
in front of the house
ar chúl an bhalla
behind the wall
le linn na hoíche
during the night
i rith an lae
throughout the day
ag deireadh na bliana
at the end of the year
ar feadh an tsamhraidh
throughout the summer
tús na seachtaine
the start of the week
deireadh na míosa
the end of the month
lár an gheimhridh
the middle of winter
tús an fhómhair
the start of autumn
meán an lae
oíche an tsathairn
Saturday night
maidin an Domhnaigh
Sunday morning
lár na hoíche
the middle of the night
tráthnóna an gheimhridh
a winter evening
am na Nollag
Christmas time
bláthanna an earraigh
the flowers of spring
duilleoga an fhómhair
the leaves of autumn
cúinne an ghairdín
the corner of the garden
féar an fhéir
the grass of the field
dromchla na mara
the surface of the sea
fuaim na gaoithe
the sound of the wind
solas na gréine
the light of the sun
ceo na maidine
the fog of the morning
crainn na foraoise
the trees of the forest
teas an tsamhraidh
the heat of summer
bairr na gcos
the tops of the feet
cúl an chinn
the back of the head
foircinn na méar
the tips of the fingers
leicne an linbh
the child’s cheeks
súile an fhir
the man’s eyes
cluas an chait
the cat’s ear
tonnta na gruaige
the waves of the hair
muineál an chapaill
the horse’s neck
cosa an éin
the bird’s legs
lámha an dochtúra
the doctor’s hands
blas an aráin
the taste of the bread
boladh an bhainne
the smell of the milk
cnapán an ime
the lump of butter
dath an sú
the color of the juice
barr an chaca
the top of the cake
dromchla an phráta
the surface of the potato
salann na mara
sea salt
caife an chailín
the girl’s coffee
uisce an tobar
the water of the well
crúiscín an fhíona
the little jug of wine
sciathán an éitleáin
the wing of the airplane
doras an ospidéil
the hospital’s door
boinn na bróige
the soles of the shoe
scáth an chrainn
the shadow of the tree
cnaipe an chóta
the button of the coat
slabhra an chloig
the chain of the clock
gloine an fhuinneog
the glass of the window
peann an mhúinteora
the teacher’s pen
bairr na spéaclaí
the rims of the glasses
eochair an dún
the key of the fort
oidhreacht na hÉireann
Ireland’s heritage
cois na haille
at the foot of the cliff
tábhacht an oideachais
the importance of education
i gcoinne an tsrutha
against the current
ar mhaithe na leanaí
for the sake of the children
rún an rúnaí
the secretary’s secret
líon na ndaoine
the number of people
smacht an mhúinteora
the teacher’s control
tacaíocht na dtuismitheoirí
the parents’ support
airgead an bhainc
the bank’s money
dóchas na hóige
the hope of youth
cumhacht an chirt
the power of justice
geallúint an rialtais
the government’s promise
coinníoll an chonartha
the condition of the contract
dualgas an tsaighdiúra
the soldier’s duty
críoch an chogaidh
the end of the war
cáilíocht an táirge
the quality of the product
suaimhneas an tsaoil
the peace of life
spreagadh na ndaltaí
the motivation of the students
fás an gheilleagair
the growth of the economy