An Modh Coinníollach Flashcards
D’ólfainn caife
I would drink coffee
D’ithfinn ceapaire
I would eat a sandwich
D’imreoinn peil
I would play football
D’fheicfinn thú amárach
I would see you tomorrow
D’éistfinn leis an gceol
I would listen to the music
D’fhanfainn tamall eile
I would stay a little longer
D’osclóinn an doras
I would open the door
D’íocfainn as an mbia
I would pay for the food
D’fheicfeá an fharraige
You would see the sea
D’ólfá uisce
You would drink water
D’fhanfá go ciúin
You would stay quiet
D’imreofá leadóg
You would play tennis
D’fheicfeadh sé an scannán
He would see the movie
D’ólfadh sí tae
She would drink tea
D’itheadh sí an cáca
She would eat the cake
D’éisteodh sé leis an raidió
He would listen to the radio
D’fhanfadh sí sa bhaile
She would stay at home
D’osclóimis an leabhar
We would open the book
D’ólfaimis fíon
We would drink wine
D’imreodh sibh cluiche
You (plural) would play a game
D’fhanfaidís tamall
They would stay a while
D’éisteoidís leis an gceol
They would listen to the music
Ní ólfainn caife
I wouldn’t drink coffee
Ní itheoinn feoil
I wouldn’t eat meat
Ní fheicfinn thú
I wouldn’t see you
Ní osclóinn an fhuinneog
I wouldn’t open the window
Ní éisteodh sé liom
He wouldn’t listen to me
Ní imreodh sí spóirt
She wouldn’t play sports
Ní ólfaimis beoir
We wouldn’t drink beer
Ní fhanfadh sibh anseo
You (plural) wouldn’t stay here
Ní éisteoidís leis
They wouldn’t listen to it
An n-ólfá tae?
Would you drink tea?
An bhfanfaí anseo?
Would one stay here?
An n-imreofaí an cluiche?
Would the game be played?
An bhfanfaidís sa teach?
Would they stay in the house?
An bhfeicfinn tú?
Would I see you?
An n-osclóinn an bosca?
Would I open the box?
An bhfanfaimis sa charr?
Would we stay in the car?
An n-éistfeadh sé leis an gceol?
Would he listen to the music?
Dá mbeadh an t-airgead agam, cheannóinn carr
If I had the money, I would buy a car
Dá mbeadh sé fuar, chaithfinn cóta
If it were cold, I would wear a coat
Dá bhfeicfinn an scannán, thaitneodh sé liom
If I saw the movie, I would like it
Dá mbeadh am agam, léifinn an leabhar
If I had time, I would read the book
Dá dtiocfadh sí, bheadh áthas orm
If she came, I would be happy
Dá mbeadh ocras orm, d’íosfainn rud éigin
If I were hungry, I would eat something
Dá bhfanfá níos faide, bheadh spraoi againn
If you stayed longer, we would have fun
Dá mbuafadh siad an cluiche, bheadh siad sásta
If they won the game, they would be happy
Dá mbeadh cead agam, rachainn amach
If I had permission, I would go out
Dá mbeadh tú anseo, bheadh an-chraic againn
If you were here, we would have great fun
Mura mbeadh sé dorcha, rachainn amach
If it weren’t dark, I would go out
Mura mbeadh sé daor, cheannóinn é
If it weren’t expensive, I would buy it
Mura bhfanfadh sé, ní fheicfinn é
If he didn’t stay, I wouldn’t see him
Mura mbeinn tinn, d’fhreastalóinn ar an scoil
If I weren’t sick, I would attend school
Mura mbeadh sneachta ann, thiocfainn go dtí an baile
If there were no snow, I would come to town
Mura mbeadh siad gnóthach, rachadh siad ar saoire
If they weren’t busy, they would go on holiday
Mura mbeadh a fhios agam, ní dúrfainn é
If I didn’t know, I wouldn’t say it
Dá mbeinn i mo dhochtúir, chabhróinn leat
If I were a doctor, I would help you
Dá bhfágfá an bosca ansin, thitfeadh sé
If you left the box there, it would fall
Dá bhfeicfí sin, bheadh ionadh ar dhaoine
If that were seen, people would be surprised
Dá mbeadh sí ann, bheinn sásta
If she were there, I would be happy
Dá mbeadh níos mó ama agam, dhéanfainn mo chuid obair bhaile
If I had more time, I would do my homework
Dá n-ólfainn an tae sin, ní bheadh mé sásta
If I drank that tea, I wouldn’t be happy
Mura gceannófainn é, ní bheadh sé agam
If I didn’t buy it, I wouldn’t have it
Dá mbeadh an aimsir go deas, rachaimis amach
If the weather were nice, we would go out
Dá mbeadh mo chara anseo, labhróimis leis
If my friend were here, we would talk to him
Dá bhfanfadh tú, bheadh áthas orm
If you stayed, I would be happy
Dá dtabharfá dom é, ghlacfainn leis
If you gave it to me, I would take it
Dá mbeadh sé níos éasca, dhéanfainn é
If it were easier, I would do it
Dá bhfeicfimis é, labhróimis leis
If we saw him, we would talk to him
Mura mbeinn ag obair, rachainn ar saoire
If I weren’t working, I would go on holiday
Mura ndéanfadh sé é, bheadh fadhb ann
If he didn’t do it, there would be a problem
Mura mbeifeá sásta, d’inseofá dom
If you weren’t happy, you would tell me
Dá gcaillfinn mo chárta, bheadh fadhb agam
If I lost my card, I would have a problem
Dá mbuafainn an crannchur, cheannóinn teach mór
If I won the lottery, I would buy a big house
Dá mbeadh mo mhála agam, ní chaillfinn mo chuid airgid
If I had my bag, I wouldn’t lose my money
Dá mbeadh seans agam, rachainn ar ais
If I had a chance, I would go back
Dá n-inseofá an fhírinne, bheadh gach rud ceart go leor
If you told the truth, everything would be okay