Tuberculosis Flashcards
Symptoms of TB
- cough that last 3 wk or more
- pain in chest
- coughing up blood or bloody sputum or rust colored sputum
- weakness/ fatigue
- weight loss
- no appetite
- chills
- fever
- night sweats
Test for TB
1) mantoux or PPD skin test
2) quantiFERON - TB gold
3) sputum culture
Mantoux or PPD skin test
• Test for presence of antibodies against mycobacterium tuberculosis
- this indicates exposure to bacteria - but it can’t confirm active disease
- Positive test produces induration of greater or equal to 10 mm induration (size of dime) in patients who are not immunocompromised
- Positive test for for people who are immunocompromised (AIDS, organ transplants, immunosuppressant therapy) produce induration greater or equal to 5 mm
The QuantiFERON-TB Gold test
Blood use to test for exposure to TB
Does not positively confirm TB
Sputum culture for AFB ( acid fast bacillus)
Confirms active infection with mycobacterium
When should airborne precautions be started with TB
1) Start for patients presenting with a cough and other symptoms of TB until proven otherwise
2) for patients diagnosed with active TB
Airborne precautions (TB)
1) Keep door shut
2) use a negative pressure room- pulls bacteria back into room rather than allowing it to drift into hallways when door opens
3) all healthcare workers must wear N-95 respirator mask in room
4) patient must wear surgical mask when out of room
When is stop airborne precautions for TB
Discontinued when a patient had a negative sputum test everyday for three consecutive days
The first morning sputum should be used for these cultures
Treatment for TB
1) Rifampin
2) isoniazid (INH)
3) Pyrazinamide (PZA)
4) Ethambutal
* these must be given in combination to prevent bacterial resistance and to provide optimal eradication of bacteria
Therapy for TB
- Active disease: therapy last 6-12 months
- Exposed to TB but are not active: 9-12m
This treatment normally only uses Isoniazide (INH) because it is the only drug that can prevent the development of TB after exposure
Adverse reactions to Ethambutol
Eye damage- blurred/ change in vision, change in vision colors
Adverse reaction to all 3…
Hepatitis with signs of:
- abdominal pain
- abnormal liver function
- dark urine
- fatigue
- fever for more than 3 or more days
- flu like symptoms
- lack of appetite
- nausea/ vomiting
- yellowish skin or eyes
*** must routinely check liver function panels
Adverse reaction to Isoniazid
Nervous system damage characterized by:
- dizziness
- tingling
- numbness around mouth
- peripheral neuropathy-> give Niacin (VIT B6) to prevent
Used for post op exposure prophylaxis
Only drug that will slow/ stop development after exposure
Adverse reaction to Pyrazinamide
1) stomach upset
- vomiting
- lack of appetite
2) increase uric acid
- abnormal uric acid level
- joint aches
- gout (rare)
Adverse reactions to Rifampin
1) Bleeding problems
- easy bruising
- slow blood clotting
2) Drug interactions
- interferes w/ certain medications such as birth control pills or implants and methadone treatment
3) Sensitivity to the sun
- Frequent sunburn