TS Bases Quiz Flashcards
What reasons are the core Safety Limits established?
Protect integrity of fuel cladding barrier.
Prevent release to the public.
What is safety limit pressure & why?
1325#, ensure integrity of system is not endangered.
1375# is 110% of design pressure, minus head of water for recirc pump suction piping.
What constitutes operable control rods?
scram time, rod position indication, & coupling integrity
When is a control rod considered stuck?
Will not insert using all available insertion methods by either CRD or Scram Pressure.
What is the stuck control rod separation criteria?
Stuck control rod may not occupy a location adjacent to a “slow” control rod.
What is separation criteria for rods out of pattern regarding BPWS?
Inserted rods not in compliance must be separated by at least two operable control rods in all directions.
What is the basis of shutting down when 9 or more control rods are inoperable?
Could have more than 9 inoperable, but that many inoperable control rods is indicative of a bigger problem, thus 9 was chosen.
What/which thermal limit does the scram function of the CRD protect?
All three (MCPR, LHGR, APLHGR)
Also protects against overpressure in conjuction with SRVs.
What are “slow” control rods & what requirements exist regarding their locations in the core?
At what point is a “slow” control rod considered inopreable?
Rods whose scram times do not conform to TS scram time requirements.
Can not be adjacent to any other slow control rods or stuck control rods.
If scram time is > 7 seconds, rod is inoperable.
How is scram accumulator operability determined?
Based on maintaining adequate accumulator pressure.
What does the BPWS (Rod Pattern Controller) protect from?
Why is this applicable only below 19% RTP?
Protects from postulated control rod drop accident resulting in peak fuel energy deposition > 280 cal/gram, thus reactor pressure is guaranteed to stay below ASME limits, and offsite dose will be within required limits.
Above 19% RTP, no credible control rod configuration results in any control rod worth that could exceed the energy deposition limits in a CRDA.
What does compliance with each thermal limit LCO guarantee?
APLHGR - Ensure peak clad temp during postulated DBA LOCA does not exceed limit.
MCPR - Ensures no fuel damage results during anticipated operational occurrences and that 99.9% of the fuel rods avoid transition boiling.
LHGR - Ensures fuel design limits are not exceeded anywhere in the core during normal ops, AOOs, and PCT during postulated DBA LOCA does not exceed limits - specifically the 1% plastic strain.
What protection does the scram function provide?
Preserve integrity of fuel cladding
Preserve integrity of the RCS boundary
Minimize energy that must be absorbed following a LOCA.
What does the IRM Neutron High Flux scram protect from?
Local control rod withdrawal error, maintains energy deposition < 170 cal/gm.
What does the APRM Neutron Flux High scram protect from?
What about its setdown mode?
Assumed to terminate the MSIV closure event and in conjunction with the SRVs limits peak pressure below ASME limits.
Setdown is not credited for anything, but is assumed to both act as a backup to the IRM High Flux scram and prevent fuel damage during a reactivity increase event below 23.8% RTP.
What does the APRM Flow Biased simulated thermal power high scram protect from?
Slow thermal power increases (such as loss of FW heating) and protects fuel cladding integrity ensuring MCPR SL is not exceeded.
What does Vessel Steam Dome Pressure High Scram protect from?
Not credited for anything, but backs up APRM Neutron Flux High and protects from overpressure condition of vessel.
What does the Rx Lvl 3 Scram ensure?
The scram is inserted in the DBA LOCA to reduce energy required to be absorbed along with the actions of the ECCS systems ensures PCT remains below limits.
Ensures that in a loss of all normal feedwater flow, initiation of low pressure ECCS systems will not be required.
What does the L8 scram ensure?
When is it required to be operable?
Protects violation of MCPR SL due to gross reactivity add from high water level.
Greater than or equal to 23.8% RTP.
What does the MSIV closure scram protect from?
Scram is not credited to any analyzed incident, but, along with the actions of ECCS, ensures that fuel PCT remains below limits.
What is the basis of the high drywell pressure scram?
Minimize possibility of fuel damage & reduce amount of energy added to coolant & drywell in the DBA LOCA.
What is the basis of the TSV Closure?
Credited for the Turbine trip event, scram, along with EOC RPT, ensures MCPR SL not violated.
What is the basis of the TCV Fast Closure scram?
Credited for the Generator Load Reject event, scram, along with the EOC RPT, ensures MCPR SL is not violated.
Unit is at 50% RTP during a startup.
All channels for TSV closure scram & TCV fast closure scram are inoperable. LCO Condition E is entered requiring power reduction to < 38% RTP within 4 hours.
When should power reduction begin?
Required no later than 15 minutes after entering Condition E.