Admin Flashcards
What are the shift staffing license requirements for various modes?
How long can these minimums be deviated for and for what reason?
Crew composition may be one less than the minimum requirements for a period of time not to exceed two hours in order to accomadate unexpected absence of on-duty shift crew members, provided immediate action is taken to restore shift crew ocmposition to within minimum requirements.
Who controls permission to enter the controls area?
Who controls the restrited controls area?
Whats the difference?
Any member of the crew can allow for entry into the controls area.
BOP/ATC must give permission to enter restricted controls area.
Controls area - Blue Carpet
Restricted controls - Red Carpet
How long are night orders valid for?
How long are standing orders valid for?
14 Days for night orders
1 cycle for standing orders
What are acceptable 2-handed operations?
Fast Rx S/D, RPS/ARI initiation, ONI-C51 HPU Lockup, & as directed by procedure.
How do IVs work for locking/throttling a valve?
What methods/indications can be used for IV?
Locked/Throttled valves - The component being positioned should be observed being placed in the required position by the IV.
Pressure, flow, level transmitter, etc.
Discuss the requirements for fuse replacement regarding multiple fuses
If on a 3 phase motor, all three fuses should be replaced.
If on a 3 phase motor in containment, all three fuses in the penetration panel should be replaced as well.
If on a DC circuit, both fuses should be replaced.
Discuss the requirement regarding positioning of certain valves when Reference Leg Purge system is not in service.
All valve alignment & system manipulations on the RHR system when the E12-F008/F009 are open shall be supervised by US/SM
Valve alignments and system manipulations on the RWCU system during MODE 3 shall be supervised by the SM/US
The SM & US shall ensure that all other valve alignments & maintenance activities that have the potential to drain the RPV are not performed during MODE 3. Any exceptions to this restriction require approval of the Plant Manager.
What is an expected alarm defined as?
When can alarms be expected?
What must be done in receipt of an expected alarm?
Alarms caused by procedures in effect which specifically state expected alarms or alarms caused by testing, provided the technicians/operators pre-brief the operating crew.
Only be considered expected if alarm was previously discussed between ATC & US.
Must be announced to the Command SRO, or, if by direction of the Command SRO, verified with another operator or the maintenance technician performing the maintenance.
Who can direct performance/non-performance of ARI steps as applicable for current conditions?
Command SRO with another SRO concurrence.
What are the operator requirements when an alarm is sealed in or defeated such that alarm actuation is defeated?
Compensatory actions must be taken & must be documented in the Narrative Log.
Requirements for taking manual control of an automatic component.
What is significant about taking manual control of a Tech Spec related system?
Communicated to the Command SRO prior to taking the action.
Clear owner assigned, with limits, control bands, supplemental monitoring, & contingency actions/termination criteria established.
Tech Spec related system must be declared inoperable unless evaluation has shown that continued operability is supported.
Who must review the Narrative Log and how often should it be reviewed?
SM Shall review the log each shift & it will be documented in the Narrative Log.
What are the requirements for waiving an IV/CV?
SM can waive an IV/CV of component if it would result in a radiation exposure > 10 mrem.
List situatons requiring verbal notificaiton by the SM to the Ops Section Manager or Duty Team
Discuss requirement for checking open a full open valve.
Discuss requirements for checking closed a full closed valve.
Turn closed 1/4 - 1/2 turn, backset, then tighten 1/8 turn off backseat.
Turn valve until firmly closed.