Tech Specs 2 Flashcards
3.6.1 Containment Systems
List the sections and subsections of the containment systems chapter.
3.6.1.x - Primary Containment & Supporting Systems - Primary Containment – Operating - Primary Containment Air Locks - Primary Containment Isolation Valves - Primary Containment Pressure - Primary Containment Air Temperature - Low-Low Set Valves - RHR Containment Spray System - Feedwater Leakage Control System - MSSVs - Primary Containment – Shutdown - Containment Vacuum Breakers - Containment Humidity Control
12 LCOs in this section
3.6.2.x - Suppression Pool & Supporting Systems - Suppression Pool Average Temperature - Suppression Pool Water Level - RHR Suppression Pool Cooling System - Suppression Pool Makeup
4 LCOs in this section
**3.6.3.x - Hydrogen Control ** - Primary Containment and Drywell Hydrogen Igniters - Combustible Gas Mixing System
2 LCOs in this section
**3.6.4.x - Secondary Containment & Supporting Systems ** - Secondary Containment - Secondary Containment Isolation Valves - Annulus Exhaust Gas Treatment System
3 LCOs in this section
3.6.5.x - Drywell & Supporting Systems - Drywell - Drywell Air Lock - Drywell Isolation Valves - Drywell Pressure - Drywell Air Temperature - Drywell Vacuum Relief
6 LCOs in this section Primary Containment - Operating
List the LCO, Applicability, and all 1 Hour or less actions.
Primary Containment Shall Be Operable
Modes 1, 2, & 3.
1 Hour or Less Actions
Condition A - Primary Containment inoperable
Restore Primary Containment to Operable Status in 1 Hour. Primary Containment - Operating
What exceptions does the Tech Specs make for containment operability?
Applicable and Required Actions are not required to be entered for the IFTS penetration for up to 20 hours per 12 month period when the IFTS blind flange is unbolted. Primary Containment - Operating
What is the function of the primary containment?
Isolate and contain fission product release from the RCS during DBA LOCA and to confine the postulated release of radioactive material to within limits. Primary Containment - Operating
What criteria are established to ensure primary containment maintains a leak tight barrier?
A. All primary containment penetrations required to be closed during accident conditions are either capable of being closed by an operable automatic isolation or closed by manual valves, blind flanges, or deactivated valves except as provided by LCO
B. Primary containment air locks are operable except as provided by LCO
C. The equipment hatch is closed and sealed.
D. The leakage control systems associated with penetrations are OPERABLE except as provided by LCO
E. Containment leakage rates are in compliance with TS &
F. Suppression Pool is operable
G. Sealing mechanism associated with each primary containment penetration is functional.
Abridged List
A. Penetrations closed or can close.
B. Air Locks operable.
C. Equipment hatch closed & sealed.
D. Penetration Leakage Control Systems operable.
E. Leak Rates satisfactory.
F. SP Operable.
G. Penetration seals functional. Primary Containment - Operating Bases
What does compliance with LCO ensure?
Structural integrity of Containment during DBA LOCA and leakage limited to rates assumed in the safety analysis. Primary Containment Air Locks
List the LCO and Applicability
Two primary containment air locks shall be operable.
Modes 1,2, & 3, and movement of RIF. Primary Containment Air Locks
Describe the provisions afforded regarding inoperable doors for conditions & actions of this LCO.
If a containment air lock is inoperable, its counterpart door has to be shut and locked. The LCO gives allowance for entering through this door under control of a dedicated individual to perform repairs.
When a door is inoperable, its counterpart operable door must be locked and verified locked on a regular periodicity. Doors in HRAs can be administratively verified. Primary Containment Air Locks
List conditions of the LCO that require actions in 1 hour or less.
Action A
If an airlock has an inoperable door, the operable door in that airlock must be closed within 1 hour.
Action B
If an airlock interlock mechanism is inoperable, an operable door in that airlock must be closed within 1 hour.
Action C
If primary containment airlock is inoperable for any reason other than an inoperable door or interlock mechanism;
Immediately initiate action to evaluate containment leakage rate using current air lock test results
Verify a door in the affected airlock is closed within 1 hour. Primary Containment Air Lock Bases
What purpose do the air locks serve?
Limits release of radioactive material to environment from normal operation up to Design Basis Accidents. Primary Containment Air Locks
What constitutes an operable air lock?
Airlock interlock mechanism operable, air lock in compliance with Type B air lock leakage test, and both air lock doors operable. PCIVs
List the LCO and Applicability
List any conditions with actions required to be performed in 1 hour or less.
What provisions does this LCO allow for failures in different PCIVs?
Each PCIV, except containment vacuum breakrer, shall be operable.
Modes 1, 2, 3, and when associated instrumentation is required to be operable per LCO “Primary Containment and Drywell Isolation Instrumentation.”
Condition B: One or more penetration flow paths with two PCIVs inoperable except due to leakage not within limits
Within 1 hour, isolate the affected penetration flow path by use of at least one closed and deactivated automatic valve, closed manual valve, or blind flange.
Separate condition entry is allowed for each penetration flow path. PCIVs
This LCO makes provisions to allow intermittent operation to unisolate all flow paths except for one. Which valve does not fall under this provision?
The inboard 42” inboard purge valve. PCIVs Bases
What system must be available to satisfy this LCOs requirements for Outboard MSIVS?
The “B” train of the SRIA system is required to ensure leak tightness of the OTBD MSIVs following an accident. PCIVs Bases
Which accidents were considered for the basis of this LCO regarding release of radioactive material?
LOCA and Main Steam Line Break PCIVs Bases
What factors were considered in the analysis to establish this LCO?
Two major factors were required be met: minimize the loss of reactor coolant inventory and establish primary containment boundary during major accidents. PCIVs Bases
What constitutes an operable automatic PCIV?
Isolation time within limits.
Actuate on signal. PCIVs Bases
SR provides provisions for the IFTS blind flange to not be installed.
What is the maximum duration this blind flange can be removed and what is the basis of this provision?
IFTS blind flange can be removed for up to 60 days per operating cycle.
This provides the option of performing testing and maintenance of the IFTS during Modes 1-3 prior to an outage. It is not intended for the movement of fuel. Primary Containment Pressure
List the LCO and Applicability
What conditions of this LCO have actions that require response in 1 hour or less?
Primary containment to secondary containment differential pressure shall be ≥ -0.1 psid and ≤ 1.0 psid.
Modes 1, 2, & 3
1 Hour or less actions
If differential pressure not within limits, restore to within limits within 1 hour. Primary Containment Pressure Bases
Discuss the reasoning behind these pressure limitations.
The negative pressure (external pressure) is established to ensure that the containment is not damaged due to an inadvertant initiation of containment spray.
The positive pressure (internal pressure) is established to ensure that the containment does not reach its design value of 15 psig during a DBA LOCA. Primary Containment Air Temperature
List the LCO and Applicability.
Primary Containment average air temperature shall be ≤ 95F.
Modes 1, 2, & 3. Primary Containment Air Temperature
What is the basis behidn the temperature limit established in this LCO?
Ensures that the peak LOCA primary containment temperature does not exceed the maximum allowable temperature limit of 185F. LLS Valves
List the LCO and Applicability.
The LLS function of six SRVs shall be operable.
Modes 1, 2, & 3. LLS Valves Bases
What is the purpose of the LLS function?
Ensures that the requirement of one SRV operating on “subsequent actions” is met.
Basically, having multiple SRVs opening simultaneously after the initial opening of any amount of SRVs is not considered in the DBA analysis.
Maintaining the LLS operation functional ensures this analysis is valid. RHR Containment Spray System
List the LCO and Applicability
Two RHR containment spray subsystems shall be operable.
Modes 1, 2, & 3. RHR Containment Spray System Bases
What is the reasoning behind requiring both containment spray systems to be operable?
Containment spray is required in the event of a DBA to mitigate drywell bypass leakage, reduce containment peak pressure, and scrub fission products from the containment atmosphere for dose reduction.
The worst case scenario of a failure of one ECCS system means having two operable ensures at least one is available when needed. FWLCS
List the LCO and Applicability
Two FWLCS subsystems shall be operable.
Modes 1, 2, & 3. FWLCS Bases
What is the basis of this LCO?
Contain radioactive material release in a design basis accident. Without FWLCS fission product release through the secondary containment by way of Feedwater System valve bonnets is possible in an accident situation. MSSVs
List the LCO and Applicability
The Main Steam Shutoff Valves shall be operable.
Modes 1, 2, & 3. MSSV Bases
What is the basis of this LCO?
What amount of leakage is considered acceptable through these valves?
When analyzing the the DBA, with a single MSIV failing to close, dose limits in the control room and off-site would be exceeded without the MSSVs closed.
With the MSSVs failing to be closed as a single failure, NOT COINCIDENT with a failure of a single MSIV closure, the DBA results in the most limiting dose.
There is no consideration for valve leakage rate in this analysis. MSSV Bases
What is the time requirement for isolating the MSSVs post LOCA?
20 minutes to provide the manually initiated closure signal. Bases
Why is there a dose concern regarding the MSSVs post LOCA?
The analysis assumes fission product release into the MSLs that can accumulate on the walls. With the MSSVs not closed, these fission products can be entrained and released without treatment. Primary Containment - Shutdown
List the LCO and Applicability
Primary Containment shall be operable.
During movement of recently irradiated fuel assemblies in the primary containment. Primary Containment - Shutdown Bases
What does this LCO ensure?
Why is this consideration worthless?
Fuel handling accident involving recently irradiated fuel remains contained, limiting offsite dose.
We are prohibited from moving recently irradiated fuel, as there are no dose calculations in that window. Primary Containment - Shutdown Bases
What penetrations, normally required for containment operability, are allowed to be open in this LCO?
Why is this allowed?
The IFTS blind flange is allowed to be removed.
Dose calculations for this accident are highly conservative, so having the flange removed still allows the containment to be considered operable. Primary Containment - Shutdown Bases
Validating primary containment shutdown operability requires verifying each penetration flow path required to be closed during an accident IS closed, except for which penetrations?
Pathways capable of being closed by operable primary containment automatic isolation valves.
Fire Protection System manual hose real containment isolation valves.
Manual isolation valves open under administrative controls. Containment Vacuum Breakers
List the LCO and Applicability.
Three containment vacuum breakers shall be operable and four containment vacuum breakers shall be closed.
Modes 1, 2, & 3.
Movement of RIF.