Tech Specs 5 Flashcards
List the sections and subsections of the Instrumentation chapter of Tech Specs
3.3.1 Scram/NI Trip Functions - Reactor Protection System Instrumentation - Source Range Monitoring Instrumentation - Oscillation Power Range Monitoring Instrumentation
3.3.2 Control Rod Trip Functions - Control Rod Block Instrumentation
3.3.3 Really, Really Bad Day Stuff - Post Accident Monitoring Instrumentation - Remote Shutdown System Instrumentation
3.3.4 Recirc Pump Trip Functions - EOC-RPT Instrumentation - ATWS-RPT Instrumentation
3.3.5 Water Inventory Trip Functions - ECCS Instrumentation - RPV Water Inventory Control Instrumentation - RCIC Instrumentation
3.3.6 Containment and Drywell Trip Functions - Containment and Drywell Isolation Instrumentation - RHR Containment Spray Instrumentation - SPMU Instrumentation - LLS Valves Instrumentation
3.3.7 Control Room Ventillation Trip Functions - Control Room Emergency Recirc Instrumentation
3.3.8 Electrical Trip Functions - Loss of Power Instrumentation - RPS Electric Monitoring Instrumentation Reactor Protection Instrumentation
State the LCO.
List the functions included in this system.
The RPS instrumentation for each Function in table shall be operable.
1. IRM Trips
Neutron Flux High
2. APRM Trips
Nuetron Flux High, Setdown
Flow Biased Simulated Thermal Power High
Fixed Neutron Flux High
3. Reactor Vessel Steam Dome Pressure High
4.Reactor Vessel Water Level Low
5.Reactor Vessel Water Level High
6. MSIV Closure
7. Drywell Pressure High
8. SDV Level High
Transmitter/Trip Unit
Float Switch
9. TSV Closure
10. TCV Fast Closure Trip, Oil Pressure Low
11. Reactor Mode Switch - Shutdown
12. Manual Scram Protection Instrumentation
This LCO has various requirements for condition entries that require action in 1 hour or less.
Discuss what these actions are and how they are entered.
This LCO has a ladder of actions that work through conditions to ensure safe operation. Actions A, B, & C deal with the loss of a required channel, trip system, and function respectively.
If any function of the RPS instrumentation does not have trip capability, it must be restored within 1 hour.
If any of the actions required for these three conditions are not completed IAW completion time requirement, Action D is entered immediately.
Action D directs follow-up condition entry based on affected channels, trip systems, and/or functions.
If any of these follow-up condition actions are not completed IAW completion time requirement, initiate action to fully insert all insertable control rods in core cells containing one or more fuel assemblies. Reactor Protection System Instrumentation
What requirements exist for APRM indication vs calculated reactor power?
If ≥ 23.8% RTP, APRMs must read within 2% of calculated reactor power. Reactor Protection System Instrumentation
Six functions of the RPS instrumentation are required in specific circumstances in Mode 5.
What are they, what circumstances are they required for?
IRM Neutron Flux High
IRM Inop
SDV Transmitter/Trip Unit
SDV Float Switch
Rx Mode Sw - Shutdown
Manual Scram
They are required in mode 5 with any control rod withdrawn from a core cell containing one or more fuel assemblies. RPS Instrumentation Bases
The RPS inserts the scram when monitored parameters exceed their trip values.
What is the basis of this operation?
Scram preserves the integrity of fuel cladding and minimizes required energy absorbtion in a LOCA. RPS Instrumentation Bases
Regarding trip setpoints, what makes instrumentation inoperable?
Channel is inoperable if its actual trip setpoint is not within its required Allowable Value. RPS Instrumentation Bases
For each function in the RPS System Instrumentation, state the basis for its operability requirement.
IRM Nuetron Flux High - Provides protection against local rod withdrawal errors.
IRM Inop - Function is not assumed in safety analysis, therefor required to be operable to satisfy analysis.
APRM Neutron Flux High Setdown - Prevents exceeded 23.8% RTP before mode switch is in Run, which prevents fuel damage during significant reactivity increases with low reactor pressure and low core flow. This is not considered in the Safety Analysis
Flow Biased Simulated Thermal Power High - Provides protection against transients where thermal power increases slowly, protecting the MCPR SL.
APRM Fixed Neutron Flux High - Provides overpressure protection from a sudden MSIV closure event.
APRM Inop - Three trip channels of APRMs are required to be operable. With more than one trip channel inoperable, this requirement is not satisfied. This requirement is not considered in the safety analysis, but is required by the NRC approved licensing basis.
Steam Dome Pressure High - This trip function does not have any specific safety analysis associated with it, as the overpressure protection function is covered by the APRM Fixed Neutron High Flux trip. It serves the same function as this trip, inserting a scram on an overpressure condition to counteract the positive reactivity added by the pressure transient.
Vessel Water Level Low - The water level limit coupled with the ECCS systems and the scram ensures peak fuel cladding temperature remains below limit during a DBA LOCA. The water limit is also high enough that in a loss of all normal feedwater flow, a Level 1 ECCS initiation will not be required.
Vessel Water Level High - Ensures MCPR is not violated.
MSIV Closure - Protects peak fuel cladding temperature but is not credited in analysis for the overpressure condition (APRM Flux High is). Also protects violation of safety limit due to low pressure MSIV closure.
Drywell Pressure High - Prevent fuel damage and minimize energy added to the coolant and drywell in a DBA LOCA.
SDV Level High - No credit is taken for this in analysis, but ensures SDV has sufficient room to receive scram effluent.
TSV Closure - Primary scram signal for the turbine trip event analyzed.
TCV Closure - Primary scram signal for the generator load rejection event.
Mode Switch in SD - Not specifically credited, required for NRC approved licensing basis.
Manual Scram - Not credited, required for NRC approved licensing basis. RPS Instrumentation Bases
List the required operable channels for all functions in the RPS Instrumentation section.
For all NI related functions - 3 channels per trip system.
For MSIV closure function - 8 channels per trip system.
For TSV closure - 4 channels per trip system.
All other functions - 2 channels per trip system. RPS Instrumentation Bases
Some trip functions have abnormal applicability requirements (they aren’t based on mode). Which trip functions are these?
Vessel Level High only required ≥ 23.8% RTP.
TSV & TCV trip functions only required ≥ 38% RTP. RPS Instrumentation Bases
Which trip functions are only applicable in Mode 1?
APRM Fixed Neutron Flux High
MSIV Closure RPS Instrumentation Bases
The Vessel Water level high function is not installed to prevent turbine carry-over issues.
The basis of this function is to protect MCPR - so how is maintaining water level below L8 protecting MCPR?
The higher level of water results in the addition of relatively cold feedwater, resulting in reactivity addition that challenges MCPR limits. RPS Instrumentation Bases
How many LPRMs must be operable for an APRM to be considered operable?
How is this restriction enforced?
14 LPRMs must be operable, and at least 2 per axial zone on that APRM must be operable.
With < 14 LPRMS operable, the APRM will trip as inoperable.
The 2 LPRMs per axial zone requirement does not have a trip feature. This must be monitored by administrative means. RPS Instrumentation Bases
What provisions does this LCO make for performing Surveillences on the applicable equipment?
When a channel must be placed in trip for surveillance, condition entry may be delayed for up to 6 hours provided the associated function maintains trip capability.
Upon completion or the 6 hour limit, channel must be returned to Operable or applicable condition must be entered. RPS Instrumentation Bases
The followup conditions entered through Condition D when Actions of A/B/C are not complete have various power reduction requirements that have to be completed anywhere between 4 hours and 12 hours.
What is the time critical requirement to BEGIN these required actions?
15 minutes RPS Instrumentation Bases
The APRMs have a requirement to be within ± 2% of the heat balance calculated reactor power.
When outside these bounds, when are the APRMs NOT considered inoperable?
When APRMs fall outside this band, they are not considered inoperable from either side.
If the APRMs are LESS conservative, they must be adjusted consistent with the heat balance calculated power. If they can not be properly adjusted, the channel is then declared inoperable.
If the APRMs are MORE conservative, the agreement between APRM & Heat Balance is not required for operability. SRM Instrumentation
State the LCO
What functions exist in the table stated in the LCO.
SRM Instrumentation in table shall be operable.
Source Range Monitor SRM Instrumentation
The Source Range Monitor function is the only function with a requirement in this LCO. However, it has various channel requirements and applicabilities. What are they?
Mode 2: 3 channels when IRMs are on Range 2 or below.
Modes 3 & 4: 2 channels required.
Mode 5: 2 channels.
*Note: Only one operable channel is required during spiral offload when the fueled region includes only that detector.
Note 2: Special movable detectors may be used in place of SRMs if connected to normal SRM circuits. SRM Instrumentation
What is the lower threshold indication for an SRM to be considered operable?
Count rate ≥ 3.0 cps or
≥ 0.7 cps with a signal/noise ratio ≥ 2:1 SRM Instrumentation
When performing core alterations, which SRM detectors must be operable?
Must have a detector(s) in:
The quadrant where core alterations are being performed and a FUEL CONTAINING quadrant adjacent to the quadrant undergoing core alterations.
If in a condition where only 1 SRM is required, the quadrant adjacent requirement is not applicable. SRM Instrumentation
Discuss any conditions requiring actions performed in 1 hour or less.
Condition B: With three required SRMs inoperable in Mode 2 & IRMs on Range 2 or below, immediately suspend control rod withdrawal.
Condition D:
With one or more required SRMs inoperable in Modes 3 or 4, fully insert all insertable control rods and place the mode switch in shutdown within 1 hour.
Condition E:
With one or more required SRMs inoperable in Mode 5, immediately suspend core alterations except for control rod insertion and initiate action to fully insert all insertable control rods in core cells containing one or more fuel assemblies. SRM Instrumentation Bases
What is the basis for requiring 3 SRM instrumentation channels operable in Mode 2?
Reactivity changes in Mode 2 are complex. 3 of 4 channels will provide sufficent representation of overall core response to reactivity manipulations. SRM Instrumentation Bases
What is the basis of reducing the SRM requirement to 1 instrument in Mode 5 during spiral offload?
Eventually, the core gets to a point where only one quadrant is fueled. At this point, any SRM outside of the fueled region will not provide an accurate representation of core flux, thus, the reduction in requirement. SRM Instrumentation Bases
What constitutes an operable SRM Instrument channel?
It must provide neutron flux monitoring indiciation. In order to perform this function it must be inserted to the normal operating level and there must be continuous visual indication in the control room. OPRM Instrumentation
List the LCO and Applicability
Four channels of the OPRM Perioud Based Algorithm instrumentation must be operable.
Thermal power ≥ 23.8% RTP. OPRM Instrumentation Bases
What three algorithms do the OPRMs use to monitor for oscillations?
Growth OPRM Instrumentation Bases
Why is there only a requirement for the Period algorithm?
What is the purpose of the other algorithms?
Amplitude and growth are not considered in the safety analysis, and therefore must not be met.
These algorithms provide defense in depth and additional protection against unanticipated oscillations. OPRM Instrumentation Bases
What do the OPRMs protect?
4 Channels of these instruments are required to be operable. Each channel is made up of multiple modules. How many modules are required for operability?
The OPRMs protect the MCPR safety limit.
There are two modules for period based detection, and only one is required for OPRM channel operability.