Tech Specs 3 Flashcards
3.4 Reactor Coolant System
List the sections of the Reactor Coolant System tech specs group.
3.4.1 - Recirc Loops Operating
3.4.2 - Flow Control Valves
3.4.3 - Jet Pumps
3.4.4 - SRVs
3.4.5 - RCS Operational Leakage
3.4.6 - RCS Pressure Isolation Valve Leakage
3.4.7 - RCS Leakage Detection Instrumentation
3.4.8 - RCS Specific Activity
3.4.9 - RHR SDC System - Hot Shutdown
3.4.10 - RHR SDC System - Cold Shutdown
3.4.11 - RCS Press/Temp Limits
3.4.12 - Reactor Steam Dome Pressure
3.4.1 Recirculation Loops Operating
List the LCO and Applicability
A. Two recirc loops shall be in operation with matched flows;
B. One recirc loop shall be in operation with:
1. Thermal Power <= 2500 MWt;
2. APLHGR, LHGR, and MCPR limits modified for single loop operation IAW COLR limits
3. APRM Flow bias simulated thermal high power value adjusted for single loop operation.
3.4.1 Recric Loops Operating
List the jet pump flow differential limits
< 70% flow (<72.4 mlbm/hr) -> 10% (10.4 mlbm/hr)
> 70% flow -> 5% (5.2 mlbm/hr)
3.4.1 Recirc Loops Operating
What actions of this LCO have a requirement of completion 1 hour or less?
What is the action?
Action B: Thermal Power > 2500MWt during single recirc loop operation
Reduce thermal power to <= 2500MWt within 1 hour.
3.4.1 Recirc Loop Operating
When 2 recirc loops are operating, why are their flows required to be matched within limits?
The assumptions of a recirc loop break LOCA require these limits in order to satisfy the analysis.
3.4.1 Recirc Loops Operating Bases
What requirements exist when both recirc loops are in operation with flows mismatched?
Recirc loop flows must be matched within 2 hours.
3.4.1 Recirc Loop Operating Bases
When is a recirc loop considered to not be in operation?
Pump in the loop is idle or flow mismatch between total jet pmp flows is great than required limits. The loop with lower flow is considered not in operation.
3.4.2 FCVs
List the LCO and Applicability
Recirc loop FCV shall be operable in each operating recirc loop.
Modes 1 & 2
Note Separate entry condition allowed for each FCV.
3.4.2 FCVs
What is the maximum speed a FCV can move in order to be considered operable?
FCV average rate of <= 11% of stroke per second in either direction.
3.4.2 FCVs Bases
Why are FCVs required to be OPERABLE in each operating loop?
Satisfy the assumptions of the design basis transient and accident analysis.
3.4.2 FCVs Bases
Why are the FCVs locked up when they are determined to be inoperable?
FCVs are locked up to prevent them from adversely effecting the reactor in a DBA or transient.
If the FCVs close too quickly, higher PCT would be achieved in a DBA LOCA.
If the FCVs open to quickly, the flow runout transient could be too severe and challenge MCPR.
3.4.3 Jet Pumps
List the LCO and Applicability
All jet pumps shall be operable
Modes 1 & 2
3.4.3 Jet Pumps
What requirements must be verified to determine if jet pumps are operating correctly?
2 of 3 below criteria must be validated:
1. Recirc loop drive flow vs. FCV position differes by <= 10% of established patterns.
2. Recirc loop drive flow vs. total core flow differs by <= 10% from established patterns.
3. Each jet pump diffuser to lower plenum DP differs by <= 20% from established patterns, or each jet pump flow differs by <= 10% from established patterns.
3.4.3 Jet Pumps Bases
What is the reasoning behind the requirement of all Jet Pumps being operable?
What is required if a jet pump is inoperable?
Jet pumps compose an integral part of the boundary for the 2/3 refloodable volume.
If a jet pump is not operable, there is a potential that this volume is challenged. The reactor must be brought to Mode 3.
3.4.4 SRVs
List the LCO and Applicability
The safety function of 7 SRVs shall be operable
The relief function of 6 additional SRVs shall be operable.
Modes 1, 2, & 3.
3.4.4 SRVs Bases
What is the most secure pressure transient?
How does this transient relate to this LCO?
Most severe pressure transient is the closure of all MSIVs followed by a reactor scram on high neutron flux.
The analysis for this transient show that this configuration will maintain pressure to < 110% of design pressure.
3.4.4 SRV Bases
If the relief function of an SRV is not operable, is the valve considered inoperable for this LCO?
Not necessarily. If the valve is capable of opening on the Safety function, the valve can be considered operable for the Safety function requirement.
3.4.5 RCS Operational Leakage
List the LCO and Applicability
RCS Operational leakage shall be limited to the following:
1. No pressure boundary leakage,
2. <= 5gpm unidentified leakage,
3. <= 30 GPM total leakage averaged over the previous 24 hour period, and
4. <= 2gpm increase in unidentified leakage within the previous 24 hour period in MODE 1
Modes 1, 2, and 3