Trusts 5 - Breach + Remedies Flashcards
Personal claims
Trustee wrongdoing causes a loss, can seek compensation for trust. Against trustee personally.
Advantages and Disadvantages
- Trustee may be insolvent. Trustee ranks as unsecured creditor.
-Whether the money has been spent on tangible property (proprietary claim) - personal (six year statute barred limitation period) whereas proprietary not subject to this.
Breach of trust
Must be some wrongdoing in running trust (earlier cards).
Personal claim - must be in breach. Not vicariously liable for defaults of other trustees.
More than one - severally and jointly.
‘But for’ test. Loss would not have occurred without the breach of trust.
Nestle v National Westminster Bank (1993) - establish the decision was one that no reasonable trustee could have made.
Value of personal claim
Recover value equal to the loss. Rate of interest in court discretion but usually on court’s short term investment account.
Defences to personal claim
- exemption clause in trust deed
-knowledge and consent of the beneficiaries
-s61 of the TA 1924
-limitation and laches
Exemption clauses
Express clause. Must take steps to make sure settlor aware of the clause (effect and meaning). Ambiguity in clause will work against the professional.
Knowledge and consent of the beneficiaries
Fully informed and freely given. Adults and of full capacity. If one does they lose that right but other beneficiaries can.
S61 Trustees Act 1925
Court discretion - if trustees acted honestly and reasonably and ought fairly to be excused (wholly or in part).
Reluctant to excuse passive trustees
Limitation and laches
Personal - six year limitation (s21 Limitations Act) Remember minor starts to run when they are 18. Remainder beneficiaries when life tenant dies.
Does not count towards fraudulent breaches.
Equitable doctrine of laches (prevent a personal claim);
- claimant knows the facts that gave rise to the breach
-the claimant delays in action
-the delay is deemed to constitute acquiescence or waiver of the breach or cause detriment or prejudice to the trustee.
Schluman v Hewson (2002) - knew of breach for 15. Material witnesses now dead.
Indemnity and contribution
Equitable indemnity and Contribution
Equitable indemnity
Can recover full indemnity from co-trustee who;
-acted fraudulently when the others acted in good faith
-is a solicitor who exercised such a controlling influence that the other trustees blindly followed the solicitors advice
-has benefitted personally from the breach
-is also a beneficiary and benefitted from the breach (limited to value of their equitable interest).
S1 Civil Liability (Contribution Act) 1978- court orders to make a contribution that is just and equitable having regard to the extent of that co-trustees responsibility for the loss (up to 100% of the compensation ordered). Reflect on blame-worthiness of the trustees.
Proprietary claims
If trustee exerts absolute control. Recover the asset and bring the asset back within the trust’s control.
Identify the new asset belongs to the trust.
Cannot trace (e.g. credit card bills).
Only as good as the property it can be traced to
Advantages v Disadvantages
Insolvency (personal claim), however if still hold property can recover with priority *does not belong to that trustee’s estate.
If used on shares (which increased in value) recover all back. Attractive option.
No statutory limitation period (however still equitable doctrine of latches).
Does not work when no property to recover.
Original form
No tracing required. Proprietary claim will allow it to be brought back.
Substitute property (purchased asset with sale of proceeds)
Clean substitution (simply a swap). New asset treated as though it belongs to the trust.
Can choose -
- to take substitute property (good if increase)
-sue trustee for compensation and take charge (equitable lien) over property for amount lost (good if decrease).
Mixes trust with own property
- buys an asset using partly own money and wrongly drawn funds.
-pays money into bank account mixing it with own money making various withdrawals. - pays from Trust A and Trust B (trustee has access to multiple trusts)
-transfers money from A and from B both going into bank account mixing the money and making withdrawals.
Mixed asset (trust + trustee funds)
- claiming proportionate interest in mixed asset (good if increase)
-Suing trustee for compensation for loss and taking equitable lien (good if decrease).
Withdrawals from a mixed bank account (trust + trustee funds)
Tracing rule 1 - Re Hallett -
Trustee deemed to spend their own money first
Foskett v McKeown - beneficiary can take benefit of any increase in the value in the assets which they are tracing. Proportionate to rate trust contributed (if bought 60% with trust money entitled to 60% of the shares)
Re Oatway (1903)
First charge on mixed fund. Beneficiary gets first choice.
Must wait before claim satisfied before giving away property.
Foskett valuation applies.
If Re Hallett does not benefit the beneficiary?
Equity ‘everything is presumed against a wrongdoer’
Equity will apply another tracing rule
Roscoe v Winder
Pays money into mixed account and then pays extra money into account.
Lowest intermediate balance - lowest balance to which the account sank before extra money was paid into it.
Mixed assets - several trusts
Pari passu - share in same proportion as the funds contributed to the purchase price.
Trustee pays money from one trust and another and makes several withdrawals from account
Clayton’s Case (1816) -
Between two or more innocents first money paid in is the first money paid out.
Only applied if does broad justice having regard to competing claims disentangled.
Barlow Clowes International Ltd (in liquidation) v Vaughan -
Can depart from Clayton if-
-impossible to apply
-would result in injustice
-contrary to the parties intention
Dissapplied by a slight counterweight.
- Generally each investor takes a rateable share in any remaining assets.
Trustee takes money from two funds and mixes money with own money before making various withdrawals
First - Re Hallett and Re Oatway (as much as trustees money into dissipation).
Then - Clayton and Barlow Clowes v Voughan allocating remaining assets between the trusts.
Other fiduciaires?
Tracing applies to other fiduciary relationships. The principal can use the rules.
Example - director and company.