BLP - 2 - Partnerships Flashcards
S1 PA 1890 - two or more persons carrying on a business in common with a view of profit
-Decision making?
-Names on deeds?
-How are profits shared?
Applies as default.
-Agreements can be oral or implied by conduct.
If partners carry on after expiration presumed to be on same terms as before (s27 PA 1890).
PA 1890 - not required to take part in management.
Common clause to devote whole of time and attention.
PA - anti-competition clause.
Decision making
With three exceptions must be taken my majority (S24 PA 1890)
-changing nature of business
-introducing a new partner
-changing the terms of the partnership agreement.
These must be made unanimously/
Profits and loss
PA 1890 share in profit and loss equally.
Capital may be divded by implied conduct.
- PA 1890 - no majority of partners may expel another unless partners have expressly agreed.
-Contractual relationship between partners comes to an end.
PA 1890 - may end by giving notice of their intention.
-when retires
-on expiry of a fixed term
-by death or bankruptcy
-notice of dissolution to partner (who has by order of court) granted a charge over their share of partnership property for debt owed by them alone and not the partnership as a whole.
- Something unlawful (e.g. loss of license)
Or court order under s35 PA 1890
-incapable of performing
-partner prejudicial to bisiness
-wilfully or peristently breaches agreement
-only carried on at a loss
-just and equitable.
assets sold, outgoing partner receives their share. S39 PA outgoing partner can insist on this
5% interest on their share per annum until they receive share from other partners/
- Business reputation and value
When sold part of value
Commonly two year profits.
Dissolution on sales
Creditors (partners must pay shortfall
Partners who have lent money
Share of capital they are entitled to
Surplus is shared in accordance with agreemet.
Duties under PA 1890
Utmost fairness and good faith towards each other.
-completely open with relevant inofrmation
-account to firm for private profits
-must not compete with firm.
Indemnify partners who have borne more than thier share of liability or expense with the partnership.
Liability to third parties
Actual authority - express
Implied - in one particular type of transaction (specialised partner) or through course of dealing.
Apparent authority -
Relates to business of kind for the firm
Would be usually expected to act
Other party did not know they did not have authority to act
The other party deal with a person whom they know or believe to be a partner
That partner makes the firm liable and is liable to indemnify fellow partners.
Firm also liable for any wrongful act or omission (tort) in ordinary course of business by their partners
Liability for debt
-Liable jointly when incurred while they were a partner. Severally and jointly.
Novation agreement - retiring partner released from debt by entering into contract with creditor and other partner. Creditor can now only pursue firm.
Not liable when left
Must follow s36.
- actual notice.
-London Gazzette.
Holding out -
Creditor pursues personally.
-Writing, oral, conduct presented as a partner.
The partner must have knowledge themsleves.
At least two members on incorporation.
Form LLINO1 no need for agreement.
Must have registered office.
Designated members must
-sign and file annual accounts
-appoint remove and renumeerate auditors
file annual confirmation statement
send notices to the registrar of companies.
winding up LLP.
Must register charges with Registrar.
New member - 14 days to registrar. - service address, name, DOB.
When leaves LLTM01 (individual) or LLTM02 (corpoate) to companies house within 14 days.
LLP Agreement
LLP Regulations 2001-
share equally in capital and profits
- every member may take part in management, not entitled to renumeration.
Ordinary matters by majority. Changing nature of business and terms of contract unanimous.
Members leave by giving reasonable notice.
Members cannot be expelled.
Trading profits
Chargeable receipts LESS deductible expenditure = trading profit/loss
-Deductible expenditure - not client entertainment and leasing cars over certain emission levels
‘Wholly and exclusively for the purposes of trade’
Valued at start of financial year.
Second hand or refurbished.
Shared between groups of companies
Full expensing
100% in that period
Brand new
Start-up loss relief - first four tax years of new business. Carried back and set against income in three tax years prior.
Carry-accross/ one year carry back for losses-
-set against total income from the same year
-set against total income for year preceeding
-set against total income form same year until reduced to zero with balance being set against preceeding tax year
-set against total income from tax year preceding tax year of that loss until income is reduced to zero with balance of loss being set against current.
Set-off against capital gains -
Set trading losses against chargeable gains in same year. Before anniversay of 31 January.
Carry-foward -
Carry forward taking earlier years first. Indefinitely. must notify HMRC in that year.
Carry-back of terminal trading losses;
-final 12 months carried across and set against trading profits in final year and then three years preceeding.
Carry-forward on incorporation;
carry forward against income.
80% or more of consideration for business transferred must be in shares.
Notify HMRC
Cap-on reliefs;
Start-up and carry-accross/back;
subject to ca of £50,000 or 25% of taxpayers income.
Exempt - residential land, postal services, education and health services.
£85,000 (value of taxable supplies) in 12 months must register
Must pay within one month from end of each quarter.
Zero-rated - person may reclaim VAT.
Must provide tax invoice, showing VAT number.
Partners taxed on income tax and CGT.
Income tax relief
- Deduct from income tax liabilty 30% of amount invested into ordinary shares of qualifying quoted companies.
2million cap.
Non-cash beneifts, bonuses are taxable. Personal gift not.