Land 6 - Structure and contents of lease Flashcards
Leasehold covenants
Qualified - consent
Fully qualified - consent unreasonably.
Full repairing and insuring
Landlord gets ‘clear rental stream’
No repairs, maintenance or insurance contributions
Landlord does have obligation to insure.
Reserved rent for insurance
Covenant to pay ‘insurance rent’.
As well as cost for obtaining valuation
Landlords covenant to reinstate
Rent suspension
Rent payable even where unusable.
S3 even if absolute covenant can perform internal and non-structural.
S3 - 3 months to object.
Authorise if add to letting value, reasonable and suitable to character of property.
Landlord can ask to do, tenant does not have to accept
License to alter.
If increase value or usefulness, does not matter landlords reversionary interest.
Entitled to claim compensation for adding letting value to the holding s1 LTA 27.
Sharing occupation
Parting with possession
S19(1)(a) - qualified not to be unreasonably held
S19(1A) - agree in advance conditions and circumstances which it would be unreasonable .
S1 LTA 88 - must within reasonable time, give consent, serve on tenant written notice of decision.
CA guidelines -
Unecessary to prove if reasonable people would meet
Intends to use even if not forbidden
Consider detriment
Headlease and underlease.
Direct tenant - forefeitted and underlease applies for relief to court.
S19 1(a) - qualified not to be unreasonably withheld
S1 LTA 88 -
reasonable time - written notice, consent withheld reasons for doing so.
Common conditions -
mirror headlease
annual rent same time, same conditions
Direct covenant.
Rent review
Fixed increase -
Index linked - RPI
Tenants receipts - linked to tenants turnover.
Open market rent review -
Prepared to pay if property on the open market.
Common disregards on open market;
goodwill (customer flow etc..)
voluntary improvements.
Often upwards only.
If cannot agree - appointed to Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors.
RISC code
- AGAs where tenant of lower financial standing than outgoing.
Only RISCS surveyors bound by code.
Advised of existence
In writing
Can depart in exceptional circumstances;
-identity of property should be clearly defined
-length of term and break provisions should be stated
-leases should allow either party to start rent review process.
Standard provisions for assignments
Controls no more than necessary.
Consent -
Assignors to apply and use all reasonable endeavours.
License to assign.
current landlord
assignee bank
assignee employer
professional person
person or company with whom regularly trades
three years audited accounts.
Landlord solicitor take undertaking from assignors for payment of legal and professional costs.
SC - rescind given three working days before completion if no consent.
SCPC - 5 working days.
If assignment without consent may breach alienation covenants and lease could be liable for forfeiture.
License to assign proceeded by landlord solicitor to assignor solicitor who coordinates to amend or agree draft.
If assignor and assignee to enter into contract all three parties to license (in form of deed).
Before 1996;
direct covenant
After 1996;
Covenants by assignor that;
guarantee assignee will perform tenants covenants
promising to perform covenants if assignee does not
indemnifying landlord for assignees failure
promising to take new lease if liability of assignee disclaimed on insolvency.
Superior freehold title should be deduced.
Absolute title;
No need, at land registry
Good leasehold title;
no guarantee.
If registered - open register rules
If not deduced by normal method for unregistered.
Unregistered -
entitled to call for lease and all assignment during last 15 years but no evidence of freehold.
Unless absolute only deduce good title on registration.
Must be condition neither SCs require assignor to deduct freehold
If short bit left, may not deduce title as cost outweighs benefit.
Assignee solicitor usually prepares draft.
If unregistered - over seven years lead to compulsory first registration.
If full or limited title guarantee - covenants for title include promise complied with tenants covenants in the lease.
Caveat emptor still applies.
Before 1996 - indemnity covenant implied, except unregistered value not given.
If AGA after 1996 - express indemnity covenants in deeds.
Pre-completion formalities
Registered - OS1 should be carried out to check new entries and gain priority period.
Unregistered -
land charges search made against name of assignor to check no adverse entires.. 15 working day priority period.
Company search
License to assign -
Landlord does original and assignee does counterpart.
Apportionments -
Instalment apportioned on completion.
Assignor supply completion statement.
Assignee pay assignor balance.
Will hand assignee -
transfer deed (TR1 or deed of assignment
license to assign executed by landlord
evidence of freehold
duplicate notices served by assignor
insurance policy
receipt for rent
Assignee hands;
money due
duly executed counterparty license
release of deposit
On production of last receipt, assignee must assume (unless contrary appears), rent has been paid and covenants performed.
Assignee solicitor should inspect.
Unregistered - register in two months (above 7 years).
If less incapable of registration on separate title.
Registered - in priority period.
Notice of assignment to landlord. Given in duplicate accompanied by appropriate fee. Landlord asked to sign one copy of notice of acknowledgement and return receipt to sender to be kept with title deeds.