Legal Services 2 - RR Flashcards
Constitutional fundamental and sources of constitution
Fundamental rules and principles.
Key political ideas or doctrines on which state is based.
Written - one document
Unwritten - various documents.
Republican - president elected
Monarchical - unelected monarch as head of state (may be ceremonial purposes).
Federal - division of power between central gov and regional gov.
Unitary - single sovereign legislative body, power concentrated at centre.
UK has unwritten. Unitary.
Parliament supreme.
Devolution may exhibit quasi-federal characteristics.\
Separation of powers -
of executive (government), legislative (parliament) and judicial (courts).
Informal may have overlap.
UK has informal.
Core constitutional principles
Rule of law -
no arbitrary exercise of power, must be permitted by law. Should be made properly following procedure.
Law should be clear and accessible
Law should be certain - should not operate retrospectively, should not be punished.
Equality before the law.
Should be independent and impartial.
Separation of powers
Legislature (Parliament) - makes the law, monarch, House of Lords and Commons
Executive (government) - implements the law - Monarch, prime minister, and other government ministers civil service, police and armed forces
Judiciary - body that resolves disputes about the law.
Parliamentary supremacy - common law doctrine.
Acts of Parliament -
Magna Carta 1215 - first assertion of limits on powers of monarch.
Bill of rights 1689 - removed power of monarch to suspend acts of parliament and taxation without consent.
Parliament should meet often.
Acts of Union 1706-07 -
England and Scotland under one Parliament. Preserve Scottish church and legal system
Parliament Acts 1911 and 1949 -
House of Commons prevail over Lords.
PACE 84 - police with extensive powers of arrest.
Public order act 1986 -
marches etc..
Human Rights Act 1998 -
ECHR in domestic law.
Acts of devolution -
devoted NI, Wales and Scotland.
Constitutional Reform Act 2005-
Reformed office of Lord Chancellor, transfer powers as head of judicial to Lord Chief Justice and permitting Lords to elect own speaker.
Created SC and Judicial Appointments Commitment to oversee appointment of judges.
European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 and European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Act 2020 -
repealed European Communities Act 1972.
Case law -
Residual freedom -
Action of state must have legal authority -
e.g. police officers
Legal disputes should be resolved by judiciary
-Monarch had no powers to decide legal case.
Habeas corpus and liberty -
right to have legality of detention tested before a court.
Right to fair hearing -
Miller -
Supreme Court interprets ECA as preventing Government from using Royal Prerogative as legal basis for notice of withdrawal from EU>
Royal Prerogative;
residue of discretionary or arbitrary authority which at any given time is legally left in the hands of the crown.
Derive from common law.
Foreign affairs;
-declarations of war and deployment of armed forces overseas
-making treaties
-recognition of foreign states
Domestic affairs;
summoning parliament
appointment and dismissal of Prime minister
giving Royal Assent
defence of realm
exercise of pardon and mercy
granting public honours
setting up of public bodies to disburse funds made available by Parliament.
Powers are by convention exercised by PM.
Acts of Parliament can remove prerogative powers.
E.g. Crown Proceedings removed immunity from tort and contract.
If whole ground of something which could be done by prerogative is covered by statute, the statute rules.
If repealed prerogative would revive.
Only curtail if inconsistent with statutory powers.
Cannot use prerogative to change domestic laws.
May still dissolve parliament
Constitutional conventions
Courts not directly enforce.
Considered to be binding but not enforced.
Example - Monarch must dismiss ministers on advice of PM.
Important conventions -
Monarch plays no active role in government.
Monarch - on advice of PM will not refuse Royal Assent
Will appoint PM best able to command confidence in the Commons.
All ministers will be members of House of Commons or Lords and PM should be democratically elected.
Ministerial responsibility -
no conflict between public duties and private interests.
Minister who breaches should resign.
Collective cabinet (ministerial responsibility) -
defeated in vote of confidence must resign.
Cabinet must be united in public in support of gov policy and cabinet minister must resign if she speaks out on public policy.
Cabinet discussions must be secret.
House of Lords will not reject legislation that gives effect to an important manifesto commitment of democratically elected government (Salisbury Convention)
UK Parliament will only legislate on matters that has been devolved with consent (Scotland - Sewel Convention)
Judiciary do not play politics role
Ministers and MPs do not criticise in public individual members of the judiciary.
Courts will acknowledge.
may indirectly give rise to legal consequences.
If unconstitutional (act breaches convention) courts will still apply
Ministers cannot knowingly mislead Parliament, will be expected to resign.
Other sources
Laws and Customs
Various Academic writings.
Parliament and Sovereignty
Commons, Lords, Monarch.
Main aims -
scrutinising work of gov
passing legislation.
debating key issues
approving funding
providing personal for government.
650 members
Speaker is chair - carry out duties impartially (ruling on procedural points and controlling debate)
Holders of ministerial office (95)
Lords -
Hereditary peers
Life peers.
Lord Temporal - life peers and 92 hereditary peers
Lords spiritual - 26 senior clergy of Church of England
Parliament must be summoned every three years.
Duration -
maximum life to five years.
Fixed-term - stopped prerogative being used to dissolve at any time.
Must be on fixed days.
Early in event of no confidence or 2/3 of Mps in favour of early election.
Sessions -
usually from one spring to the next.
Session ends when prorogued by Royal Decree. Provocation terminates all business, bills not passed will lapse unless agreed they will pass
Legislative process
First reading - purely formal - title read out
Second reading - main debate takes place on general principles
Committee stage -
16-50 members appointed by Committee of Selection.
Proportional representation.
Important may be committee of whole house
Amendments made
Third reading -
brief, only verbal amendments. Final opportunity to vote
Proceedings in House of Lords -
Lords send back for amendments. If disagree Lords usually accept
Royal Assent -
Act of Parliament
May be suspended to later date
Public/private bills
Public -
Government bills -
Usually listed in Kings speech.
Submitted as part of legislative programme
Private members -
introduced by MPs or lords who are not government ministers.
Financial measures must be introduced in commons.
Private bills -
individual, corporate or local interest, only affect particular person.
Relationship of commons and lords
Salisbury Convention - Lords will not reject bill giving effect to major part of democratically elected manifesto.
Make small changes.
Parliaments Act 1911 and 1949 -
Allows royal assent without consent of Lords.
Provided -
money bill (taxation or supply) one month after being sent and become law
Other - after two sessions, bill can be sent to monarch. One year must elapse between second reading and first session.
Bills seeking to extend duration of Parliament excluded.
Delegated legislation
Supplement provisions of Acts.
Confined to scrutiny. Neither can amend.
Parent act will state procedure
Affirmative resolution procedure - instrument cannot come into effect or ceases to have effect unless one or both House passes resolution
Negative Resolution Procedure-
Gov required to annul instrument if either house passes a resolution rejecting instrument within specified period.
Assisted by Joint Select Committee.
Sovereignty of Parliament
Right to make or unmake any law, no person has a right to override or set aside legislation.
Bill of Rights
Doctrine then developed through common law.
Enrolled act - courts will not question validity.
Cannot disregard.
Statute may override international law
State may override constitutional conventions -
Statute may alter the constitution
Statute may operate retrospectively -
Statute may abolish or curtail aspects of the Royal Pregorative -
Crown Proceedings - tort and contract immunity.
Express repeal - can do so
Implied repeal -
where contradicts.
later act will impliedly repeal.
Limitations on supremacy
Bound by terms of Act of Union.
Scottish Parliament permanent part of constitutional arrangements.
May not be abolished without referendum of Scotts.
Not normally legislate without consent on devolved matters.
Scottish may legislate only on the power they have been given to do so.
Sewel Convention for Scotland.
If reversed on colonies could do so but would be unenforceable.
Implied repeal may not affect constitutional statutes.
test for constitutional -
statute must condition legal relationship between citizen and state in some general overarching manner or
statute must change scope of fundamental rights.
To be repealed must be express words or words so specific that interference was irresistible.
- If directive found invalid with act, court would have to investigate, but must decline due to Article 9 of the bill of rights.
Manner and form debate
Can Parliament bind its sucessors as procedure to be adopted when repealing legislation enacted by earlier parliament?
Some argue can’t, some argue can.
Cannot bind successors.
Henry VIII powers -
permit government minister to amend or repeal relevant state and other states by delegated legislation.
Rule of Law -
courts may intervene in extreme circumstances.
Matter of debate however.
European Limitations
Types of EU legislation
Regulations - issued by EU, directly applicable and automatically binding on MS without further implementation for MS.
Directives - set out objectives to be achieved and oblige MS to pass domestic legislation themselves to implement those objectives. Set a date
Decision -
directly binding, only to whom they are addressed
Recommendations and opinions -
not binding.
Direct effect -
Vertical direct effect - EU law being enforced against state or body
Horizontal direct effect - Treaty articles enforced against private bodies.
Regulations and decisions capable of both.
Directives only vertical.
Time limit must have expired, and it must be sufficiently clear, precise and unconditional and must not require additional measures.
Parliament authorises.
directly enforceable
delegated legislation to implement EU
construed and have effect to EU law
apply EU law I’m accordance with principles laid down in CJEU
Indirect effect - read in a way that complies with sovereignty.
Does not stop post-72 acts being impliedly repealed by directly effective EU law.
If individual suffered loss have right under Francovichto obtain damages from loss.
Stretch meaning of legislation to make compatible with convention rights.
Parliamentary privilege
Freedom of speech -
MPs and Lords have immunity from legal proceedings for disclosing in parliament.
Ancillary as well (outside but still core to proceedings).
Papers published by parliament have absolute privilege.
Qualified privilege - protected from defamation unless malice can be proven.
Pepper v Hart - if obscure, may take into account statements made in Parliament.
Exclusive cognisance -
Not question validity on basis correct procedure not been adopted.
Contempt of Parliament
Right to discipline members.
Crown Court can charge MP for false expenses.
Scotland -
Act of Union abolished separate parliaments
Wales -
NI -
Supreme, retains power to legislate o all matters devolved and override devolved legislatures.
Scotland Act 1998- established Parliament and Executive.
16 and 17s able to vote.
Every five years
Early if 2/3 elect or does not nominate First Minister within 28 days due to -
ceasing by dissolution.
Must resign if vote of no confidence.
May pass primary legislation
Devolved matters -
May devolve except from reserved matters.
May decide on - health, education most of civil and criminal law and local government and taxation powers.
Outside legislative competence -
would form part of law outside territory
relate to reserved matters
modify certain enactments - Union with England Act
incompatible with ECHR and EU la w
remove Lord Advocate from position as heads of systems.
Presiding officer states
May refer to SC to decide.
Lord Advocated Solicitor General (AG and SG on UK).
Sewel Convention -
not normally legislate on devolved matters.
Will seek consent first
Consent through LCM.
Senedd Cymru -
16 and 17 able to vote.
Every five years.
Can pass primary leg (Acts of Assembly).
Can pass on
agriculture, education, health, the environment, housing, local government and tourism.
Reserved -
same as others - constitutional, immigration, defence and foreign affairs.
But unlike others cannot devolve criminal justice.
Same as Scot procedure
Minister introducing
Presiding officer - whether within competence.
Government bills -
Stage 1 - consideration and agreement -
MSs vote on whether should continue
Stage 2 - detailed consideration -
MS can propose amendments.
Detailed consideration -
further amendments
Report stage -
optional stage to make amendments
Stage 4 -
vote by Senedd to pass bill to final text.
Member bills -
Private bills -
Secondary leiglaation -
may do so when authorised by parent act, even by Westminster.
Subject to affirmative or negative proceeder.
Affirmative - if approved
Negative - If no objection within 40 days
PM appoints up to 12 cabinets.
Sewel Convention applies to Wales.
Good Friday agreement -
democratically elected assembly with power sharing executive
-north/south ministerial council - co-operates and delvers nationwide policies
-British-Irish council (Isle of Man, Guernsey and Jesrsey)
NI assembly -
NIA 1998 - power to enact primary
Power to act on transferred matters - not reserved or excepted.
Excepted matters - relations, defence and immigration.
Reserved - can legislate with consent of Secretary of State -
firearms and explosives, financial services and pensions, broadcasting, disqualification from assembly membership, consumer safety and IP.
Same procedure with presiding officer.
Legislation that discriminates outside competence.
Sewel convention applies but unlike does not have express statutory recognition
Must appoint FM and DFM within 14 days after meeting of Assembly.
If not Secretary of State must propose a date for another.
FM - nominee of largest political party of largest designation
DFM - nominee of largest political party of next Largest political designation.
Hold jointly (equals).
Role of The Supreme Court
Comes to SC by;
reference by devolved Uk law officer (if bill not yet has royal assent)
appeal from certain higher courts
reference from certain appellate courts
Referring bills -
In absence of UK consent, Scottish not been able to proceed with proposed referendum.
Acts normally only challenged on grounds they exceed legislative competence by reserved matter of ECHR.
Cannot be challenged on common law grounds such as irrationality.
S35 orders -
grants Secretary of State power to prevent royal assent, even on devolved matters.
UK government
Joint Ministerial Committee -
minister of uk and devolv Govs. -
consider non devolved matters that affect devolved responsibilities (and vice versa)
consider devolved matters if it is beneficial to discuss their respective treatment
keep arrangements for liaison between government under review
consider disputes between governments.
Sub-committeess of JMC -
JMC Europe -
not since 1999 -policy in Europe
JMC EU negotiations -
devoted matters in withdrawal.
Legitimacy, Separation of Powers and Rule of Law
Must be legitimacy
Rule of law
Traditional -
no man is pusishable or lawfully made to suffer in body except for distinct breach of law
no man is above the law
general principles of constitution.
present day values -
legal certainty
personal liberty
due processs of law
like cases treated in same way
official have no exmemptions
Important -
gov prevented from arbitrary power
gov held accountable
law set out clearly
does not operate retrospectively
equality for all citizens
equal access two law
means of legal redress for grievances
independence of judiciary maintained.
Modren interpretation
Per Lord Bingham -
-accessible, inteligible clear and predictive
-application of law resolves not discretion
-apply equally
-afford protection of human rights
-means must be provided for resolving
-minsters and public officers must exercise power reasonably
-adjudicative procedures provided by state should be fair
-state must comply with obligations to international law.
Judicial and statutory recognition
S1 Constitutional Reform Act 2005
R(Jackson) v AG
Separation of powers
Exec and leg -
-Disqualifies certain members of executive from being MPS (civil servants. armed forces and police)
Limited to 95 who may sit.
Ways to overcome overlap;
General Committees
House of Lords
Parliamentary and Health Service ombudsman
MPs can reject.
Individual ministerial responsibility -
responsive for both running and proper administration of respective departments and personal conduct.
Collective cabinet responsible - cabinet responsible to Parliament for actions of gov as a whole.
Treaty -
may stop prerogative powers if commons resolve against ratification and thus make it unlawful to ratiffy.
Not prevent but must provided a further explanatory statement.
Judiciary and executive
Tenure (job security on good behaviour)
Immunity from civil action
Sub judice - Parliament refrain from discussing matters currently being heard or waiting to be heard by courts.
Contempt of court
Constitutional Reform Act 2005 -
to reduce overlap between
Lord Chancellor -
Act addressed;
Role.- no longer secret meetings. Has overall responsibility for training, can make written representations to Parliament.
Judicial Appointments Commission -
judges appointment occurs solely on merit.
PM must select vacancy.
Lord Chief Justice asks JAC selection panel
SC - by monarch on advise of PM.
Based solely on merit
Still sometimes perform quasi-judicial functions.
Judiciary decides extent of Royal Prerogative.
New prerogative powers cannot be created or extended.
Exercise of pregoative immune to JR (e.g. treaty signing Blackburn v AG).
Only if justifiable.
Non-justicable -
armed forces
dissolution of parliament
prerogative of mercy
granting public honours.
Legislature and judiciary
Used to be overlap -
Appellate Committee of House of Lords
Lord Chancellor was speaker in addition to being head of judiciary.