Trucking A Mainspring of the U.S. Econmy Flashcards
There have been a number of slogans that have captured the essentiality of trucking; for example
___ ___ ___,
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
and most recently
___ ___ ___ ____
Trucking Delivers America
Good Stuff Trucks Bring it
Trucking Moves America Forward
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Over ___% of all U.S. communities rely exclusively on trucks to deliver their products and goods
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Businesses choose trucks for nearly ___ cents out of every dollar they spend on freight transportation
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Trucking received _____ billion in gross freight revenue spent on all mode of U.S. freight transportation in 2018
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Trucking received _____% of dollars spent on all mode of U.S. freight transportation in 2018
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Trucks carried ___% of all domestic freight tonnage
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What is the advantages of motor truck over other
forms of transportation
Motor Trucks are
- Flexibility
- Versatility
- Efficient Delivery
- Protection
- Essentiality
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Long haul drivers travel over ____ miles per years
100,000 miles
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Who has accepted its responsibility as an essential force in the continued expansion of American’s mass production and distribution, and is constantly striving to develop better service and equipment to support a growing American
dynamic motor transport industry
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There is no doubt that the trucking industry
can be justly called a
mainspring of the U.S. economy
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Much of the success of the American way of life is due to ____ and ____
motor carriers their drivers
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____ perform a distribution service which cannot be duplicated by any other form of transportation
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____ have the advantage of flexibility which does not appear likely to be challenged
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Trucks carried ____ billion tons of all domestic freight tonnage annually
11.49 billion
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On average, trucks are more efficient than ___ transport
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Trucking: A Mainspring of the U.S. Economy
Trucks of every type are serving America’s ____, _____ and _____
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Trucking: A Mainspring of the U.S. Economy
Truck of every type are performing a complete ___entirely on their own or joining with other modes of transportation in hauling nearly everything we need
door-to-door transportation service
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Trucking: A Mainspring of the U.S. Economy
No ____ ____ is too remote to share in the nation’s production
American Home
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Trucking: A Mainspring of the U.S. Economy
Although other forms of transportation play an important role in the transport of _____ ___ ____, each is necessarily limited in its operation.
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Trucking: A Mainspring of the U.S. Economy
Cargo transported by _____, _____ and _____, for example , ultimately must be hauled by truck to reach its final destination
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The motor truck is the only direct means of transport to many ____, ____ and ___ ___
consumer’s doors
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Any number of trucks can be used at any given time for a ____
specific haul
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_______- Truck cargo requires less packing and handling, which reduces packing expense.
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In 2017, commercial combination trucks logged ____ billion miles for business purpose
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