First Aid: Q&A Flashcards
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First Aid Q&A
An ____ is the growth of harmful germs in any internal or external wound
Book page 143
First Aid Q&A
What are these signs and symptoms of
- Skin tone becomes flushed.
- Pulse normalizes. Mouth twitches.
- Fingertip creep.
- Catch-of-the-breath, followed by a groan and gasping breaths.
- Breathing efforts readily detected
Book Page 147
____ ____ and ____ ____ most often start from very small wounds, particularly on hands and feet
Serious infection
blood poisoning
Book page 143
What is the first thing you should do before attempting first aid to a conscious person
Get the victim’s permission
Book page 144
What are the four primary purposes of first aid training?
- Preventing and caring for accidental injury or sudden illness
- Caring for persons caught in a natural disaster
- Equipping individuals with the information to deal with the whole situation, the person, the injury or the illness
- Distinguishing between what to do and what not to do
Book page 142
What are the general directions for first aid treatment for shock?
Maintain the patient’s body heat (but do not add heat)
elevate the person’s feet about 8 inches, if raising the legs will cause pain or further injury, keep him flat.
Book page 143
What is the signs of internal bleeding ?
- Tender, bruised or hard areas of the body such as the abdomen
- Rapid,weak pulse
- Skin is cool, moist, pale or bluish
- Excessive thirst
- Becoming confused,faint, drowsy or unconscious
Book page 144
Losing ___ ___ of blood at one time is serious or possibly fatal
two pints
Book page 145
Barring an immediate life-threatening situation, what actions must be taken by the first aid provider before moving a patient?
- Care for breathing, circulation and hemorrhaging
- Dress wounds
- Immobilize fractures
Book page 144
Most people will suffer irreversible brain damage within ____ minutes or less if breathing stops completely
Book page 146
A ______ should be used only for severe life-theatening hemorrhages (from an arm or leg) that cannot be controlled by other means.
Book page 145
What are the basic objectives in the first aid care of a wound?
- Primary objectives is to control bleeding
- Protect the wound contamination
- Treat for shock while remembering to protect himself from blood-borne diseases (wear rubber gloves)
Book page 145
What conditions exhibited by a patient clearly indicate the need to obtain professional help ?
(There is 9)
- Is unconscious or becomes unconscious
- Has trouble breathing or is breathing in a strange way
- Has chest pain or pressure
- Is bleeding severely
- Is vomiting or passing blood
- Has seizures, a severe headache or slurred speech
- Exhibits signs of poisoning
- Has head, neck or back injury
- Has possible broken bones
Page 144
What circumstances justify immediate rescue efforts ?
(There 8)
- Danger of fire or explosion
- Serious traffic hazards
- Risk of drowning
- Exposure to extreme cold, heat or severe weather
- Danger of a collapsing structure(s)
- Electrical injury or potential injury
- Pinning by machinery
- Asphyxia due to a lack of oxygen or the presence of toxic gases only if the first aid provider is trained on how to identify and protect himself from oxygen deficient air page 145
If the first aid provider must attempt immediate movement, what principles must be observed to minimize further injury?
- Protect all parts of the body from the tensions of lifting.
- Provide support for the arms, legs, head, and back, keeping the body in a straight line and from moving as little as possible.
page 145
What is the first thing that must be done in giving first aid treatment?
Secure the scene and ensure that the persons offering first aid, and then the patient, are not in harm’s way (especially on a highway).
page 143
Under what conditions may artificial respiration be helpful?
Artificial respiration may be life-saving if administered to non-breathing victims of:
(There is 6)
- Electric shock
- Drowning
- Poisoning by gas or respiration depressing drugs, such as morphine, barbiturates, and alchol
- Compression of the chest
- Choking, partial obstruction of the breathing passages
- In some cases of gas and drug poisoning breathing may be extremely slow and shallow
Page 147
How can the ill effects of excessive heat be prevented?
To prevent the ill effects of excessive heat, a driver should
- Drink water
- Dress lightly
- Eat lightly of easily digested foods like applesauce
- Avoid exposure to direct sun
- Avoid alcoholic, carbonated, caffeinated, and iced drinks
Page 148
Under what conditions is it most likely necessary to administer artificial respiration for an extended period of time?
Extended artificial respiration is most likely necessary with
- carbon monoxide poisoning
- a drug overdose
- near drowning (especially in cold water), or if electric shock are involved
Page 147