Classes and Types of Carriers page 27-28 Flashcards
___% operate fewer than 6 trucks
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Over ___ million trucks are used for business purposes (excluding goverment and farm equipment)
36 million
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___% operate fewer than 20 trucks
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____ % of all trucks registered
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____ ____ are those trucking companies providing transportation of freight owned by another party.
For-hire Carriers
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Traditionally, motor carriers have engaged pre-dominantly in either ____ or _____ Operations
Local or intercity.
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Most ___ ___ , and even some local operations, will involve interstate commerce, and thus usually come under federal regulation by FMCSA
intrastate trucking
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What class carries have a gross annual revenues of between 3 and 10 million
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What class carries have a gross annual revenues of 10 million or greater
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The U.S. trucking industry is comprised of ___ for hire, private motor carrier and other interstate motor carriers
1.75 million
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What class carries have a gross annual revenues of less than 3 million
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____ million of trucks are Class 8
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____ ____ are those shippers, manufacturers, merchants, and others who use their own vehicles or leased trucks under their direct control for moving their own goods. Their principal business activity is something other than transportation
Private Carriers
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For-hire operations are of several types:
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As a generally accepted rule, a carrier is a _____ _____ if at least half its business is conducted in metropolitan or commercial zone operations
Local carrier.
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_____ _____ also know as line-haul or over-the-road carriers in almost all case conduct local pickup and delivery operations
Interstate Carriers
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Since _____ , many traditionally local carriers have expanded their operations
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Many traditionally ______ carriers have acquired local operations
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Whether private or for-hire, generally, a motor carrier can be characterized as _____ or __ ___ ____
less than truckload.
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A _____ carries is one that dedicates trailers to a single shippers cargo
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_______ carrier that transports the consolidated cargo of several shippers and make multiple deliveries
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