Truck 96 Inventory Flashcards
Truck 96 Intro
- 2009 American La France LTI
- Shop # 60738
-License Plate- 1234544 - Allison Auto 5 Speed Transmission
-Caterpillar 252 BHP Inline 6 Engine
-Jacobs Brakes
Truck 96 Specs
-65 gallon diesel fuel capacity
–Gross Vehicle Rating of 65,500 lbs
-Normal Voltage operation of 12.9-14 volts
-Fast Idle- 1500-1600 RPM
-Tiller Cab Height of 11ft 3 inches
-Length of 54 ft 6 inches
-Width of 9ft 5 inches
Elevation- -4 degrees to 75 degrees
Retracted- 31.8 ft
Extended 94 ft
Seal on Truck
Lesser coat of arms of the USA
Flag of california republic 1846
Coat of arms mexico 1822–1846
Coat of arms spain 1542-1821
Olive, grape, orange “a city set in a garden”
beaded circle surrounding - rosary- mission padres founding the city
ON Side Extrication Comp
- Spreaders
-2 Ram Bars (12 and 21) - 3 Hose (32 inches)
-1 Ram Support bar
-1 secunet
-Generator Control Panel
-Panel with breakers - Sawzaw with cord and extra blades
-1 ppu
ON Side Mini Compartment 1
-AC Hotstick
- 5 African Bee Hoods
-Danger Tape
-1Fire Line Tape
- Bag with Medco Locks, Air chuck, Batteries, hose clamps, tape
ON Side Mini Compartment
Outrigger override controls
1 caution tape
ON side Roll up Door 1 AOs Toolbox 1st drawer
-Large and small inspection mirror
-Utility knife
-medco lock
-utility cap remover
-electrical tape
-Tire Pressure Gauge and Ture tread gauge
-utility knife
-Boxes of AA and AAA batteries
-Volt meter
-Air clutch
ON side Roll up Door 1 AOs Toolbox 2nd drawer
-Open ended wrenches 3/4 to 3/8th Left
-Torks key Left
Open ended metric wrenches 18mm-10mm Right
-Allan key Right
ON side roll up door 1 AOs toolbox 3rd drawer
-25ft masonry tape
-4 phillips head
4 flathead
-utility pry tool
-air hose fitting 3/4inch
-ladder strap
-Knox Lock
ON side Roll up door 1 AOs tool box 4th drawer
-Tongue and groove pliars
-open crescent wrench
-needle nose pliars
-adjustable crescent 8inch and 12 inch
-porter wire cutters 3/16 inch in diameter
-2 mechanical axe blades
-8” rear diff wrench
ON side roll up door 1 underneath
-litter basket
- 300ft static kernmantle rope (main and belay)
- Truck 96 Folder
ON side 2nd roll up door
- AOs Gear
-150ft 1inch equipment line
-AO SCBA and drop bag
-R/As and red rags
-Saw Box (spare chains, extra squenches, channel locks, plugs)
-Degreaser, Kerosine, mineral oil, brake cleaner, WD-40, Silicone lube
-Safety Cans (2 Yellow premix, 2 red gasoline)
-2 MS460 chainsaws with 20 inch bar and 2 squenches
-Roof Kit - equipment strap
ON side 3rd Roll Up
- 2 auto ex helmets
-Portable Monitor with stand
-Bag with Anchor strap 10ft, 2 red webbing, 2 ladder straps, collapsible spanner
-Cluster with 4inch to 2 1/2 reducer
-2 22 ton and 1 12 ton maxforce air bag
-3 24x24 wooden plates
-deadmans switch + pressure regulator + inline relief valves
-4 16ft LP hoses (red, green, yellow, blue)
-Pneumatic power chisel +2 25ft hoses + various heads and retention springs (cutter, chisel, punch)
-Tigersaw with 16inch pigtail 30 amp with 10ft power cord
-Extrication Chains (1 pair slidehooks, 1 pair of grabhooks, grabhook tips, cutting tips)
-Tow bag (2 yellow tow straps 30ft in length)
-2 grabhooks on 6ft chains - 2 soft shackles
-4 shackles
-2 12 ton bottle jacks
-1 3 ton floor jack
ON side 1st double doors
-5 45min bottles
-Rubbish Hook + 6ft pike pole
-2 rhinos + 1 round point
-Quartz light stand
ON side 2nd double doors
- 2 yellow, 1 green, 1 red salvage covers 12x18
-1 mattress carrier 6.5 x 9.5
-1 floor runner 6x18
-poly-vinyl plastic with sheers 10x100
-2 rubbish carriers 4.5 square feet
-corn broom with handle
-push broom with handle
-round tip + square tip shovels
-1 curved squeegee and 1 straight squeegee
-2 scoop shovels
ON side Blowers
18 inch and 24 inch
Ladder Bay
-2 20ft straights
-2 24ft straights
-2 16ft straights
-1 20ft roof
-1 16ft roof
-2 12’ pike poles
-2 16ft pike poles
Compartment underneath ladder bay
-12ft roof ladder
-14ft extension ladder
-2 step ups
-8 wedges
-6 4x6
-9 4x4
OFF side Forcible Entry
-2 K950 Rotary saws with combi blades
-2 sledge hammers (10lb and 12 lb)
-1 sliding ram bar
-1 NO3 bolt cutters
-1 hooligan
-2 haywards (42 and 30 inch)
-1 lock out unit (bladder bag, wedges, and picks)
-2 blade boards (abrasive, carbide, diamond with scrench)
-single bit axe 36” handle
-access to generator
-abrasive for steel
-combi blade for metal/concrete/masonry
-diamond for concrete
-carbide for wood
OFF side mini compartment 1
Inside members SCBA
OFF side mini compartment 2
3 fire shelters with web gear
OFF side mini compartment 3
aerial controls, 2 rolls of fire line tape
OFF side Roll Up1
-1 Litter basket
-1 200 ft tagline??
-3 Class III harnesses (1 S, 2 L)
OFF side Ladder Comp
12x ladder with 6ft pike pole with D handle
OFF side Roll Up 2
- CII Brush Gear
-4 Hazmat bags (4 B Bunny suits, 2 duo dote auto injectors, gloves)
-Swiftwater bag (2 PFDs, 2 throw bags, 1 buoy, 2 helmets)
-4 Ballistic Helmets
-2 Skeds (1 for quick extrication, 1 in pack for remote rescue)
-Air Splints (S,M,L with pump)
-TEMS bag (tourniquets, tactical shears, mega mover, quick clot)
-Decon Bucket (dawn dish soap, fox tails, class A suits, can liners, triage tags) - 2 saw dust buckets
-Snake Bucket
-Rain Gear
-Extinguishers (Water gun, dry chem, CO2)
-D Tank
-2 ladder straps
-Ice Chest
-RIC bag (60min bottle, L mask with 2nd stage regulator and IP hose, chalk, UAC and Y-Block hose, drop rope)
OFF side Roll Up 3
-1 Water Vac & hose
-1 Step Stool
-50ft of 1 1/2 hose
-Proser Pump
-1 1/2 90 degree elbow
-Surgical Masks
-Tiller Gear
-Rope and Magnet
-2 Pry Bars
-Telescopic Magnet
-Battering Ram
-Utility shut off
-Hydrant shut off and adapter
-Jumbo Bar
-Utility Cap pry tool
-Nail Box and lathe (1 Hack Saw, 1 plumbers saw, 1 crosscut saw, hay hook, salvage chord, fox tail, ball pen hammer, tongue and groove pliers, 2 1/2 spanner, 3/4 inch garden tip, shrader valve cap, loppers)
OFF side Double Door 1
-Airway Bag
-Lifepak Monitor
-Med Box
-Salvage Pan
Rubbish hook and 6ft pike pole
-Elevator Bag (lockout tag out, master lock, pipe and monkey wrench, tongue and groove pliers, 2 gloves
-Skyline elevator picks
-Nailing Bag (Claw hammer, ball and pen hammer, 8 penny and 16 penny nails, staples, staple gun)
-Sprinkler Kit (redwood plug, shut off butt, easy out, assorted sprinklers, shultz, wooden wedge, channel locks, globe valve, recessed sprinkler wrench, sprinkler head wrenches,
OFF side double door 2
-2 yellow salvage covers 12x18
-1 floor runner 6x18
-poly-vinyl plastic 10x100 with shears
-2 dust pans
-round shovel, square point shovel
-corn broom, push broom
-2 scoop shovels
-rubbish carrier 4.5 square feet
-curved and straight squeegee
-generator key
OFF side Back Roll Up
-Honda EG 3500 Generator
-4 husky LED lights
-20 volt and 15 volt pigtails
-chorded husky LED light
-Assortment of extension chords
Aerial Top Tractor
-200ft chord reel w/ junction box 20 Amp
-2 quartz lights
-1 100ft ladder pipe 3 inch hose
-6 traffic cones
-1 Spare SCBA
-4 choc blocks
-out rigger controls
Arieal + Top Storage
-Roof Kit
-Ladder Pipe with 1 3/4 800 GPM smooth bore tip
-6ft Double D
-10ft collapsible ladder
-5.3 inch tell tale
Ladderpipe Compartment
-2 drop bags
-Hose Roller
-4inch double male
-comb hydrant spanner
-sommer belt
-2 hose straps
-1 1/2 tip 600 GPM, 2 inch tip 1000 GPM
AO Side of Cab
-MTA, IC88, IC80, Medco Knoxbox, LAUSD key, Electronic key
-Hi vis Vest
-Manual tilt cab handle
-Quick ref
-Draeger 5 gas
-metro 100 yard clicker
-5 gas meter
Back of Cab ON side
-Binder 12 WOPS
-MCI, RIC, Earthquake, high rise binders
-chem bio book
-ICS 213 forms
-F620 accident forms
-Siytronics SE8 Headset
-Mini Radiac
-Cab tilt controller
-FS 28, 72, 104, 107, 96 and 800’ Cad maps
Back of Cab OFF side
-white wops binder
-T96 reference
-T96 Building inventory
-Apt Guide Binder
-Fire Prevention
-Hazmat Book
Back of Cab MIDDLE
-2 streamlight box lights
-200’ cad map Batt 15
-2 800 cad books 314-457 and 487-625
-APX 8500 brain and shut off
-Radio clips
-4 impress 2 port charges
CII Side of Cab
-stream light
-Hi Vis Vest
-Quick ref
-CUD ref
-3 Radios, 3rd on Alert 6
-Accountability Tags and Board