Triangles Of The Neck Flashcards
Borders of the quadrilateral outline of the neck
Superior: body of mandible and imaginary line drawn from the angle of mandible to mastoid process
Inferior: upper border of clavicle
Anterior: anterior midline of the neck
Posterior: anterior border of the trapezius muscle
What divides the quadrilateral into anterior (medial) and posterior (lateral triangle)
Sternocleidomastoid muscles
Origin of SCM muscle
Origin: medial third of the clavicle and manubrium of sternum
Insertion: mastoid process of temporal bone
Innervation: spinal accesory nerve and anterior rami of C2,C3 (for proprioception)
Action: rotates the head to opposite side, extends head and flexes vertebrae column
Borders of the anterior or medial triangle
body of the mandible
Median line of the neck from the chin to the manubrium of sternum
Anterior triangle is divided into 4 triangles by ———
which are
Anterior and posterior belly of digastric muscles
Superior belly of omohyoid bone
Submandibular or digastric triangle
Submental triangle is formed by
Anterior midline of the neck
Anterior belly of digastric muscle
Hyoid bone
Submnadibular or digastric triangle
Anterior belly of digastric muscle
Posterior belly of digastric muscle
Inferior border of mandible
Carotid triangle
Anterior border of SCM
Posterior belly of digastric
Superior belly of omohyoid
Muscular triangle
Anterior border of SCM
Superior belly of omohyoid
Anterior midlife of the neck
Contents of the anterior triangle
Vessels: Common carotid system (CCA, ICA, ECA)
Injmternal jugular vein
Nerves: CN 7,9,10,11,12
Cervical plexus
Suprahyoid ( geniihyoid, myohoid, digastric, stylohyoid
Infrahyoid: sternohyoid, thryrohyoid, omohyoid, sternothyroid.
Borders of the posterior triangle
Anteriorly - Posterior border of SCM
Posteriorly - Anterior border of the trapezius
Inferiorly - middle third of clavicle
Apex: occipital bone (the junction of the trapezius and SCM). It’s blunt and directed upwards.
The roof of the posterior triangle is formed by
Superficial fascia
Platysma muscle
Investing layer of the deep cervical fascia
Muscles that form the floor of the posterior triangle from above to below
Splenius capitis
Lavatory scapulae
Posterior scalene
Middle scalene
Anterior Scalene
(Look at the diagram)
Subdivision the posterior triangle
Subclavian or supraclavicular
Boundaries of the occipital triangle
Inferior belly of omohyoid muscle