Treaty Of Versailles + Weimar Constitution Flashcards
What were the results of the Weimar Republic’s first ever elections for a National Assembly?
- 82.7% of electors voted
- No overall majority
- SPD most seats = 165
- Centre party = 95
- DDP = 75
- Coalition government formed between SPD, centre party and DDP
- Ebert as President
- Scheidemann as chancellor
When were the first elections of the Weimar Republic?
19th January 1919
When and where was the first meeting of the new National Assembly?
6th of February 1919 in Weimar (due to tension in Berlin)
What creates long-term sourness and a legacy of bitterness between the SPD and KPD?
The SPD government’s continual use of the Freikorps, Reichswehr and unnecessary brutality to crush left-wing uprisings
What happened just before the signing of the Treaty of Versailles?
90 minutes before the signing of the document (28th of June 1919) the German naval fleet scuppered and sank their own ships in protest
What date was the treaty of Versailles signed?
28th of June 1919
Who represented each country at the Paris Peace Conference?
USA= President Woodrow Wilson Britain = PM David Lloyd-George France = President Georges Clemenceau Italy = Vittorio Orlando
What was the USA’s main aim at the Paris Peace Conference 1919?
A peaceful Europe
—> Wilson’s 14 points (eg. National self determination)
What were Wilson’s 14 points?
His statement of principles for peace
What does national self-determination mean?
People being free to chose their which country their state resides in
What was France’s main aim at the Paris Peace Conference 1919?
To ensure security from a possible future attack from Germany, revenge/compensation?
—> hostile after Germans were in French territory for 4 years
What was Britain’s main aim at the Paris Peace Conference 1919?
To avoid making France the ost powerful country in mainland Europe
—> maintain a somewhat balance of power
ALSO, large desire for revenge across Britain
Why did Germany sign the Treaty of Versailles?
General Groener confirmed that there were no alternatives, as the German army was not strong enough to defend an invasion if it refused to sign the treaty
How did Germany feel about the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
- had hoped for better terms as both sides were of equal strength throughout the war, Germany hadn’t been invaded or given up
- Scheidemann’s government resigned in protest before the signing
- outrage across Germany
Who replaced Scheidemann’s government in 1919?
Gustav Bauer (SPD in coalition with many others)
What were the terms of the Treaty of Versailles pertaining to German land?
- Eupen and Malmedy given to Belgium
- Alsace-Lorraine given to France
- the Saar put under Leage of Nations control until 1935 and all coal given to France
- Rhineland demilitarised and occupied by allied troops for 15 years
- massive corridor to Danzig given to Poland (as a buffer against Communist russia and for Polish access to the Baltic Sea)
- loss of part of Prussia was of massive historic and symbolic importance for Germany
- east Prussia completely cut off from the rest of Germany
- Anschluß (union with Austria) forbidden
How much land and population was lost as a result of the Treaty of Versailles?
13% of German territory lost and 12% (6.5 mil) population
What were the terms of the Treaty of Versailles pertaining to the military?
-German army reduced to 100,000 men
-German navy reduced to 6 battleships, 6 cruisers, 12 destroyers and no submarines
-to be no German airforce or military aircrafts
—>Freikorps =loophole, unofficial army
What were the terms of the Treaty of Versailles pertaining to German colonies?
Entire German empire was lost by mandates
—> German East Africa taken by the British
—> German South-West Africa given to South Africa
What was the German war guilt clause?
Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles; Germany is fully responsible for WWI
What was Article 232 of the Treaty of Versailles?
The reparations clause
—> admits that Germany cannot pay for the total cost of the war
—> reparations to be set by the Inter-Allied Reparations Committee
What reparations were set initially in 1919, while the Inter-Allied Reparations Committee worked?
Germany had to;
- hand over all merchant ships over 1600 tons, half of those weighing 800-1600 tons, a quarter of its fishing fleet
- pay for the allied army occupying the Rhineland
- build 200,000 tons of shipping a year for the allies
When was the Weimar Constitution passed by the National Assembly?
31st of July 1919
What were the main faults in the Weimar constitution?
- Article 48; gave the President emergency powers (could make laws without consulting the Reichstag)
- Article 104; Judges ruled for life and were difficult to remove (most judges were appointed by the Kaiser and therefore were anti-republic, started to undermine the republic in their rulings)
- Article 129; protected civil servants and officials, making them difficult to remove
- Proportional representation (allowed small, extremist parties to enter the Reichstag, constant instability in government and reliance on coalitions)
What is proportional representation?
Where the number of votes a party receives is directly proportional to its number of seats in government
Dawes Plan
- Charles Dawes = American banker
- Germany’s total liability remained
- repayments geared towards Germany’s economic capacity
- first five years Germany pay on a sliding scale £50-125 mil, then based on a prosperity index
- loan £40mil to Germany to help new currency
- some immediate foreign troop withdrawal
- the Ruhr evacuated in Aug 1925 by French + Belgian troops
Advantages of the Dawes plan
- Realistic plan that found a solution to Germany’s reparations problem
- Germany would paya slowly increasing amount as its economy strengthened
- supported by the DNVP as it was good for businesses
How did the German public feel about the Dawes plan?
-despised it as it reaffirmed German war guilt
—>SPD lost a lot of support and seats in 1924
The Young Plan
- agree to pay reparations until 1988
- first 37 years rising level of payments from 1,700mil RM to 2,400mil RM, then a reduced rate for the next 22 years
- total sum reduced from £6,500 mil in 1921 to £1,850mil
- withdrawal of French/UK troops from Rhineland by June 1930
How did the public react to the Young Plan?
V strong opposition