Trauma Flashcards
35 yr old female presents with dyspnea, dry cough w/chest pain, low grade fever. Recent URI sx. CXR is clear. EKG shows tachycardia. VQ scan is indeterminate, but US reveals right leg DVT. What is treatment?
admit for anticoagulation
9 yo boy presents w/6 hrs generalized abdominal pain that is worsening, poor appetite. PE reveals lower abd tenderness, normal BS, voluntary guarding, suprapubic RLQ. What would be your diagnostic study of choice?
non-contrast CT
30 yr trampled by bull presents w/rigid abd, guarding, absent BS. He is pale, tachycardic. CT shows small bowel perf and hazy mesenteric stranding. What is the treatment?
Patient presents with 3 day h/o headache. CT is normal but LP reveals 50 WBCs, 4200 RBC, xanthochromia of CSF. What is diagnosis?
subarachnoid hemorrhage
75 yo presents with feeling dizziness, anxiety, BP 210/115. UA/CXR are clear. EKG shows NSR w/mild LVH. What is treatment?
do nothing and follow-up. if you try to treat someone w/chronic HTN w/aggressive treatment you may cause harm
unable to raise one eyebrow, wrinkle their foreheads or close one eyelid.
Bell’s palsy
Rare obliterative angiopathy involving common carotid and its major branches. Not amenable to TPA. Surgical therapy if dx before stroke/bleed
Moya Moya disease (acute ischemic stroke)
Where do you insert a chest tube in relation to the rib?
over rib at mid axillary line 5th ICS (if you go under you disrupt nerves)
When do you suspect child abuse in pediatric patient with swollen leg?
when child is non-ambulatory
What are the two biggest advances in EM?
video laryngoscopy and ultrasound
60 yo presents with acute, painless visual loss that is unilateral with flashes and floaters. L eye 20/20 corrected. R eye 20/200 corrected. What is at the top of your differential?
retinal detachment