Psychiatric Emergency Flashcards
How many team members should be on a restraint team?
If the patient is female, how many team members from the restraint team must be female?
Preferred when sedating patients when agitated from unknown cause. Can cause respiratory depression. Can be used with first gen antipsychotics
benzos (lorazepam/midazolam)
What is an adverse effect of 1st gen antipyschotic haloperidal and droperidol (black box warning for the latter)?
QT prolongation that can cause Torsades
Less sedation & fewer extrapyramidal side effects. Less experience using them so benzodiazepines and first generation antipsychotics first choice
2nd gen antipsychotics
Name the 2nd gen antipsychotics
Olanzapine (Zyprexa)
Risperidone (Risperdal)
Ziprasidone (Geodon)
If a patient has a paradoxical reaction to a drug, how should you adjust treatment?
swtich to an agent from a different class
AIDs patient presents with change in mental status and abnormal neuro exam. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Acute AIDS Encephalopathy
What CD4 cell counts predispose patient to opportunitistic infections?
< 200/microL
First test ordered to investigate a suspected AIDS encephalopathy
disturbance in the perception of reality, evidenced by hallucinations, delusions, or thought disorganization. Psychotic states are periods of high risk for agitation, aggression, impulsivity and other forms of behavioral dysfunction
What are potential complications of meth?
hypovolemia, metabolic acidosis hyperthermia and rhadomyalysis
Anesthetic agent that is CI with treatment of meth
What is used to treat HTN of meth overdose?
nitroprusside or phetolamine. Avoid beta-blockers
Life threatening neurologic emergency associated with the use of neuroleptic agents. Most often seen w/ the first generation high potency agents.
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS)