Bites and Infestations Flashcards
Why are most spiders not a threat to humans?
too small, have too little poison, and fangs aren’t powerful enough to penetrate skin
Most common sequelae of a spider bite
minor local reaction that lasts 7-10 days
What spider is known for causing necrotic lesions?
brown recluse (Loxosceles)
Found predominantly in warmer climates. Live in piles of firewood, old lumber, rock piles, bales of hay. Only bite when bothered.
black widows (latrodectus)
Phase of latrodectism (the systemic reaction to black widow bite) characterized by muscle spasms, autonomic stimulation, and possibly coma in the first 24 hrs following a bite
exacerbation phase
Phase of latrodectism (the systemic reaction to black widow bite) where symptoms decline and occurs 1-3 days after bite
dissipation phase
Phase of latrodectism (the systemic reaction to black widow bite) in the weeks to months following a widow bite characterized by muscle spasms, tingling, nervousness, and weakness
residual phase
Live in human dwellings. Distributed in Midwest and South Central region of the United States. 95% of bites are trivial but a few result in necrosis
brown recluse (loxosceles)
Associated with the systemic reaction of a brown recluse bite
Common inhabitants of houses. Some species in northwest but the bite does not generally cause serious reactions in humans. AKA hoboe spiders
funnel web spider (Atrax, Agelendiae)
Treatment for local nonnecrotic simple reactions to spider bites
clean w/soap and water, ice packs, tetanus prophylaxis
Pharmacological treatment for a necrotic lesion > 2 cm
systemic corticosteroids 5-7 days
used to address spasms and pain with latrodectism
benzos and opioids
considered for black widow bite IF patient having typical muscle spasms AND bite was noticed or fang markings are identified
Serious side effects of black widow antivenom
serum sickness and anaphylaxis
The only dangerous scorpion in the US Found mostly in Arizona, spilling over into western New Mexico, southeastern California, Texas and Mexico. Use venom only for defense
bark scorpion (Centruroides exilicauda)
How long might symptoms of pain, paresthesias, abnormal EOMs, blurred vision, drooling, N/V, and agitation last after a bark scorpion bite without antivenom?
24 to 48 hours. Deaths are rare
Stings from this group result in more fatalities than by stings and bites from any other arthropods including spiders and scorpions.
Subgroup of hymenopterans responsible for most of the allergic reactions reported each year
wasps and relatives (hornets/yellowjackets)
What is a major difference between wasp and honeybees that makes wasps more deadly?
unlike bees, they are able to withdraw stinger, which allows them to sting multiple times
Major component of hymenopterans that causes degranulation of basophils and mast cells
Management of local reaction caused by hymenopterans (bees, wasps, ants)
remove stinger, wash w/soap & water, ice packs, antihistamines
When do the majority of anaphylactic reactions to hymenopterans occur?
within first 15 minutes and nearly ALL occur within 6 hours
situation where there are multiple stings and therefore the person has a systemic response. Can mimic anaphylaxis but there is generally greater frequency of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
toxic reaction
Immune complex-mediated reaction. Appears 5-14 days following the sting. Symptoms include fever, malaise, headache, urticaria, lymphadenopathy, and polyarthritis
delayed reaction
Tendency to attack in great numbers when provoked. Local lesions: papule that may become sterile pustul in 6 – 24 hours
Mostly found in the southwest US but several species in the eastern US.
Cardinal manifestations include presence of one or more fang marks, localized pain, and progressive edema extending from the bite site
Mainstay of therapy for rattlesnake bite that should not be delayed
antivenim (Polyvalent Crotalidae Immune Fab). Fluids and pressors as needed for aggressive treatment of hypotension
Primarily found in southeast US, Texas, and AZ. Venom primarily composed of neurotoxic components that do NOT cause marked local injury.
Death can result from paralysis of respiratory muscles
coral snakes
Management for patient with coral snake bite
pulmonary function measures and ventilatory support as needed
leading carriers (vectors) of diseases to humans in the United States, second only to mosquitoes worldwide
usally a salmon color and expands over a few days or weeks and reach 20 cm in diameter. The center of the rash can then appear a lighter color than its edges giving it a “bull’s eye” appearance
erythema migrans (occurs in 80% of lymes)
What is the recommended treatment for a person who had tick attached for more than 36 hrs and identified as an adult or nymphal deer tick?
doxycycline. 200mg for non-pregnant adults and 4mg/kg for children > 8 years
Extremely itchy rash with crusting, linear burrows, and crusting lesions that occurs between the fingers and toes, the buttocks, the creases of the elbows and the waist and genitals
Most common treatment of scabies
5% permethrin cream (Elimite) left on for 10-14 hrs