Transportation & Program Management Flashcards
In some states, regional planning organizations can act as MPOs
Highway Act of 1956
Eisenhower. The law authorized the construction of a 41,000-mile network of interstate highways that would span the nation.
International Safe Transit Association
Packaging safety standards and policies. congestion motivation & air quality, social equity and all modes
MPOs are responsible for air quality and emmissions
traffic calming measures
chicane, choker, corner extension, road diet, roundabout, speed bumps & speed cushions
traffic demand modeling
Travel demand models use current travel behavior to predict future travel patterns from a sample of travel behavior data.
4 step model
The simulation process is known as the four step process for the four basic models used. These are: trip generation, trip distribution, modal split and traffic assignments.
road functional classification
The functional classification of a road is the class or group of roads to which the road belongs. There are three main functional classes as defined by the United States Federal Highway Administration: arterial, collector, and local.
Transportation Management System TMS
A transportation management system (TMS) is a logistics platform that uses technology to help businesses plan, execute, and optimize the physical movement of goods, both incoming and outgoing, and making sure the shipment is compliant, proper documentation is available.
Transportation Demand Management TDM
“Transportation demand management” is the successful complement to infrastructure. It focuses on understanding how people make their transportation decisions and helping people use the infrastructure in place for transit, ridesharing, walking, biking, and telework.
Levels of service
A: free flow. Traffic flows at or above the posted speed limit and motorists have complete mobility between lanes.
B: reasonably free flow. LOS A speeds are maintained, maneuverability within the traffic stream is slightly restricted.
C: stable flow, at or near free flow. Ability to maneuver through lanes is noticeably restricted and lane changes require more driver awareness.
D: approaching unstable flow. Speeds slightly decrease as traffic volume slightly increase.
E: unstable flow, operating at capacity. Flow becomes irregular and speed varies rapidly
F: forced or breakdown flow. Every vehicle moves in lockstep with the vehicle in front of it, with frequent slowing required.
trip generation trends for buildings
lowest- ALF, then residential; then office; then retail; highest- gas stations
Donald Shoup
His 2005 book The High Cost of Free Parking identifies the negative repercussions of off-street parking requirements and relies heavily on ‘Georgist’ insights about optimal land use and rent distribution
Parking generation rates
need to find this!!!
congestion pricing
Ex. express toll lanes. Congestion pricing or congestion charges is a system of surcharging users of public goods that are subject to congestion through excess demand, such as through higher peak charges for use of bus services,
cash outs
The idea behind parking cash out is simple: given a choice of cash or a parking space, many people would prefer to receive cash.
PERT chart
breaks down the individual tasks of a project and shows interdependencies
GANTT chart
a bar chart that lays out project tasks and timelines linearly.
performance zoning
INTENSITY- “Performance zoning” is an alternative to traditional land use zoning. Whereas traditional land use zoning specifies what uses land can be put to within specified districts, performance zoning specifies the intensity of land use that is acceptable.
oregon model
developed by Steven Ames- a guide to community visioning. (what Sarah does)
dual rational nexus test (impact fees)
A dual rational nexus test is used by the courts to determine if there is a taking. 1) Is there a reasonable connection between the need for additional capital facilities and the growth of the population generated by new development. 2) If a reasonable connection exists, is there a reasonable connection between the expenditure of funds collected through the impact fee and the benefits accruing to the development.