Ethics Flashcards
How many Princples are there?
3 with lots of sub-principles
How many codes of conduct are there?
How many years should you wait to plan if you have a conflict of interest?
3 years
Who should you tell if you want to file a complaint?
ethics officer
The AICP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct has been in place since the formation of ASPO and AIP and has only been updated or revised once in 1995. This was to add the Advisory Rulings for Moonlighting and Sexual Harassment, et al. (T or F)
F - last adopted 2016
The Ethics Officer for purposes of the Code is the Executive Officer of APA/AICP. (T or F)
The Code is divided into two sections, namely, Aspirational Principles and Rules of Conduct. (T or F)
F - 5 sections, Aspirational principles, rules of conduct, Advisory opinions, complaints of misconduct, discipline of members
The primary obligation of a planner is to
- to serve the public interest
List the eight principles that we aspire to regarding our responsibility to the public:
-a) We shall always be conscious of the rights of others.
b) We shall have special concern for the long-range consequences of present actions.
c) We shall pay special attention to the interrelatedness of decisions.
d) We shall provide timely, adequate, clear, and accurate information on planning issues to all
affected persons and to governmental decision makers.
e) We shall give people the opportunity to have a meaningful impact on the development of
plans and programs that may affect them. Participation should be broad enough to include
those who lack formal organization or influence.
f) We shall seek social justice by working to expand choice and opportunity for all persons,
recognizing a special responsibility to plan for the needs of the disadvantaged and to promote
racial and economic integration. We shall urge the alteration of policies, institutions, and
decisions that oppose such needs.
g) We shall promote excellence of design and endeavor to conserve and preserve the integrity
and heritage of the natural and built environment.
h) We shall deal fairly with all participants in the planning process. Those of us who are public
officials or employees shall also deal evenhandedly with all planning process participants.
List the three principles that govern our work regarding our responsibility to our clients and employers:
-a) We shall exercise independent professional judgment on behalf of our clients and employers.
b) We shall accept the decisions of our client or employer concerning the objectives and nature
of the professional services we perform unless the course of action is illegal or plainly
inconsistent with our primary obligation to the public interest.
c) We shall avoid a conflict of interest or even the appearance of a conflict of interest in
accepting assignmentsfrom clients or employers.
List the ten principles that address our responsibility to our profession and colleagues:
-a) We shall protect and enhance the integrity of our profession.
b) We shall educate the public about planning issues and their relevance to our everyday lives.
c) We shall describe and comment on the work and views of other professionals in a fair and
professional manner.
d) We shall share the results of experience and research that contribute to the body of planning
e) We shall examine the applicability of planning theories, methods, research and practice and
standards to the facts and analysis of each particular situation and shall not accept the
applicability of a customary solution without first establishing its appropriateness to the
f) We shall contribute time and resources to the professional development of students, interns,
beginning professionals, and other colleagues.
g) We shall increase the opportunities for members of underrepresented groups to become
professional planners and help them advance in the profession.
h) We shall continue to enhance our professional education and training.
i) We shall systematically and critically analyze ethical issues in the practice of planning.
j) We shall contribute time and effort to groups lacking in adequate planning resources and to
voluntary professional activities.
Which of the following is NOT a rule of conduct for AICP members:
a) We shall not file a frivolous charge of ethical conduct against members of a Planning Commission or similar public body.
b) We shall not direct or coerce other professionals to make analyses or reach findings not supported by available evidence,
(c) We shall not use the threat of filing an ethics charge in order to gain, or attempt to gain, an advantage in dealings with another planner,
(d) We shall not use the product of others’ efforts to seek professional recognition or acclaim intended for producers of original work.
-A. should say, not file frivolous charge against another planner.
Informal advice from the Ethics officer on matters relating to the code is encouraged for all members of AICP. (T or F)
Informal advice is given in writing and is binding on AICP (T or F)
Formal advice is binding on AICP. (T or F)
The Ethics Officer SHOULD respond to request for formal advice within 21 days of receipt (T or F)
-F. Within thirty (30) days after receiving all information that the Ethics Officer deems
necessary to make a preliminary determination, the Ethics Officer shall make a preliminary
determination whether a violation may have occurred
Appeals of the Ethics Officers decisions regarding formal advisory rulings go to the full AICP Ethics committee within 21 days of a written appeal. (T or F)
F- If the preliminary determination of the Ethics Officer is that it is clear that no violation
has occurred, the complaint shall be dismissed. The complainant shall be so notified. The
complainant shall have twenty (20) days from the date of notification to appeal the
dismissal of the complaint to the Ethics Committee.
Any person (AICP member or not) can file a charge of misconduct against a certified planner (T or F)