Transmission Dynamic and Immunisation Flashcards
What is infectious disease epidemiology?
What is the burden of Infectious Disease in the UK?
What is the social and economic impact of COVID - 19
What are Zoonotic Diseases?
How does climate change effect infectious disease ?
What is the “one health” concept?
The health of humans, animals, and ecosystems are closely interlinked. Changes in these relationships can increase the risk of new human and animal diseases developing and spreading.
The close links between human, animal and environmental health demand close collaboration, communication and coordination between the relevant sectors.
One Health is an approach to optimize the health of humans, animals and ecosystems by integrating these fields, rather than keeping them separate.
in terms of infectious diseases, explain
1 - Sporadic
2 - Endemic
3 - Epidemic/ outbreak
4 - Pandemic
Objectives of Infectious disease epidemiology:
Explain the epidemiological Triad.
What are some transmission routes of infectious diseases ?
Explain what recurrent patterns of infectious diseases means.
What is an outbreak?
When outbreaks occur, descriptive characteristics can be used to understand the disease
What is an epidemic curve?
What is
Point Source
Continuous source
Propagated sourse
Intermittent Source
What type of outbreak would produce this curve?
Point source curve
What type of outbreak would produce this curve?
Continuous Curves
In a continuous source exposure is not confined to one point in time (prolonged over a period of days, weeks or longer); as such, cases are spread over a greater period of time depending on how long the exposure persists
What type of outbreak would produce this curve?
An intermittent source curve is similar to continuous but exposure is intermittent; multiple peaks – length: no relation to the incubation period (reflects intermittent times of exposure) e.g., contaminated food product sold over period of time