Epidemiology and Public Health Flashcards
What is the definition of health?
What is Public Health ?
What is epidemiology ?
WHAT is the problem and its frequency?
WHO is affected?
WHERE and WHEN does it occur?
WHY does it occur in this particular population?
What are social detriments of Health ?
What is the difference between equality and equity ?
Health inequalities are avoidable, unfair and systematic differences in health between different groups of people.
Equity is the absence of avoidable or remediable differences among groups of people, whether those groups are defined socially, economically, demographically, or geographically. (WHO)
Equity in health implies that ideally everyone could attain their full health potential and that no one should be disadvantaged from achieving this potential because of their social position or other socially determined circumstance.
Give 3 examples of health inequalities.
What is the relation between COVID and deprivation ?
Why did people from Black Asian/African ethnicity have a higher COVID-19 mortality rate?
+ Geographical disparities - Most ethnic minorities are more likely to live in deprived areas where it is more population-dense.
+ multi-generational households.
Why should clinicians be concerned about reducing health inequalities?
What does non-communicable disease mean ?
Non-communicable diseases are diseases that are not spread through infection or through other people, but are typically caused by unhealthy behaviours.
Name 6 non- communicable disease.
What are the evolving trends of health eg aging population ?
Many NCDs can be avoided by lifestyle changes such as:
What are the factors that contribute to the development of a chronic condition ?
In high income countries, people who have lower SES have higher rates of NCDs and higher risk factors (on average):
Are more likely ….
What condition is the largest contributor to health inequalities?
How does social isolation affect CVD and stroke events?
Explain the evidence-based model.
What is a public health intervention ?
What sort of evidence should be used in planning Public Health Interventions?
+ empirical evidence eg primary research and meta analysis.
Explain the hierarchy of evidence.
What type of evidence is relevant for public health interventions?
The Role of Evidence in Public Health Intervention Evaluation
What is the high risk approach for public health interventions ?
What are the strengths and weakness of a high risk approach ?
What is a population approach in public health?
What are the strengths and negatives of a population approach ?
What is the prevention paradox ?
What is the aim of the population-based strategies?