Translation: Slogans and Idioms Flashcards
I’m Lovin’ It
أنا بحبه
Finger Lickin’ Good
هتاكل صوابعك وراه
Eat Fresh
كل طازج
Have a break, have a Kit Kat
خدلك بريك، خدلك كيت كات
Beanz Meanz Heinz
الصلصة يعني هاينز
Taste the Rainbow
حس بألوان الطيف
Snap! Crackle! Pop!
They’re Gr-r-r-reat!
What’s the worst that could happen?
ايه تاني ممكن يحصل؟
It gives you wiiings!
تعطيك جوانح
You only get an OO with Typhoo
ستشعر بالمتعة
Probably the best beer in the world
هي ربما أفضل ماء شعير في العالم
Every little helps
كل شيء قليل مساعد
Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s Maybelline
ممكن اتولدت مثله أو ممكن مايبيلين
Because you’re worth it
عشان أنت تستأهل
The make up of make up artists
ماكياج من ميكوب أرتيستس
A diamond is forever
ماس للأبد
Just Do It
فقط افعلها
The world’s local bank
البنك المحلية من العالم
It does exactly what it says on the tin
يفعل ما يقول على قصدير بالضبط
It keeps going, and going, and going
انها تواصل العمل والعمل والعمل
For everything else, there’s MasterCard
فيه ماستوركارد لكل شيء آخر
Advancement through technology
التقدم من خلال التكنولوجيا
Grace, space, pace
فضل، مدى، سرعة
Because change happens
عشان التغيير يحدث
Ideas for life
افكار للحياة
Don’t be evil
لا تكن شريرا
Think different
فكر بطريقة مختلفة
يا واخد القرد على ماله يروح المال ويعقد القرد على حاله
If you take (marry) a monkey for his money, the money will go away and the monkey will stay in his place
= Don’t marry for money
بيحط البنزين جنب النار :Add Fuel To The Fire
Total equivalence
كلنا في مركب واحده :All In The Same Boat
Total equivalence
لحم و دم :Flesh and Blood
Total equivalence
كفك :High Five
Total equivalence
حط عينك عليه :Keep An Eye On Him
Total equivalence
ماتعضش الايد اللي اتمدتلك :Never Bite The Hand That Feeds You
Total equivalence
على جثتي :Over My Dead Body
Total equivalence
الكوره فملعبك :The Ball Is In Your Court
Total equivalence
مافيش أسهل من كده :A Piece of Cake
Drastic Times Call For Drastic Measures: ماعنديش حاجه ابكي عليها
ارفع راسك فوق :Keep your chin up
شامم ريحة خيانه :Smell A Rat
بدأت من الصفر :Start From Scratch
شغل مخك :Use Your Loaf
كله بيجي مره واحده :When It Rains, It Pours
ماحدش بيطلع من جلده :A Leopard Can’t Change His Spots
Partial equivalence
دوق من نفس الكاس :A Taste Of Your Own Medicine
Partial equivalence
ده حبة عيني :Apple of My Eye
Partial equivalence
Partial equivalence
الضرب في الميت :Beat A Dead Horse
Partial equivalence
فصلني ضحك :Crack Someone Up
Partial equivalence
يندب حظه :Cry Over Spilt Milk
Partial equivalence
المولد اتفض :Elvis has left the building
Partial equivalence
من الابره للصاروخ :Everything But The Kitchen Sink
Partial equivalence
ده حوار :Cock and Bull Story
Partial equivalence
لامؤاخذه :Excuse my French
Partial equivalence
تاكل صوابعك وراه :Finger lickin’ good
Partial equivalence
بستجدع معاه :Go Out On A Limb
Partial equivalence
دقه قديمه :Fuddy-duddy
Partial equivalence
عداه العيب و أزح :Go The Extra Mile
Partial equivalence
ياكل الكتب :Hit The Books
Partial equivalence
اشتاتا أشتوت :Hocus Pocus
Partial equivalence
الدنيا عامله زي خرم الابره /الدنيا دي صغيره :It’s A Small World
Partial equivalence
أي هجص /أي هتش :Mumbo Jumbo
Partial equivalence
من الهوا :Out Of The Blue
Partial equivalence
بياكل زي الحمار : Pig Out
Partial equivalence
يخلع :Scot-free
Partial equivalence
جبت جاز :Run out of steam
Partial equivalence
في المشمش : When Pigs Fly
Partial equivalence
You Can’t Take it With You: الكفن منغير جيوب
Partial equivalence
Total equivalence is when…
You have an exact, word-for word translation, and the literal meaning and the message are the same in both languages
Partial equivalence is when…
You do not have a word-for-word translation, but the literal meaning and the message is the same in both the original and the target language
Non-equivalence is when…
You do not have a word-for-word translation, there is a different literal meaning, yet the basic message stays the same in both languages
Word-for-word translation is when…
You translate each individual word as if they were not part of a whole phrase
Literal translation is when…
The grammatical structure remains and you used the same literal vocab. The meaning may be lost because the metaphor doesn’t necessarily make sense in the target language.
Faithful translation is when…
You keep the grammatical structure. The message is never lost because you keep the context of the target language in mind and may change the vocab slightly.
Semantic translation is when…
You beat in mind the cultural context of the target language and may use universal language so that the message is understood.
The message is never lost.
Communicative translation is when…
You focus on the cultural context of the target language. This may involve changing the vocab, structure and literal meaning so that it is culturally appropriate.
Free translation is when…
There are no structural restrictions. You re-write the message with new vocab and new structure.
Adaptation is when…
You change the message so that it appeals to the target audience’s language
Paraphrasing is when…
You explain the words, not translating
- “People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.” الليبيتهمنازازمايحدفشالناسبالطوب
Total equivalence
“Necessity is the mother of invention.” الحاجه أم الاختراع
Total equivalence
-“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
مشوار االاف ميل يبدأ بخطوه
Total equivalence
-“The best way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”
اقصر طريق لقلب الراجل معدته
Total equivalence
“If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”
يا تقول كلمه عدله يا تسكت
-“Rome wasn’t built in a day.”
مافيش حاجه بتحصل فيوم و ليله
Idle Hands Are The Devil’s Tools” الايد البطاله نجسه
Partial equivalence
The early bird catches the worm.”
اللي سبق كل النبق
Partial equivalence
You can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.”
مافيش حلاوه منغير نار
Partial equivalence
Beggars can’t be choosers.”
شحات و عاوز عيش فينو /أقرع و نزهي
Partial equivalence
All good things must come to an end.”
كل شيئ و له نهايه
Partial equivalence
Good things come to those who wait.”
الصبر طيب
Partial equivalence
Honesty is the best policy.”
الصدق منجي
Partial equivalence
Better the devil you know than the one you don’t.”
اللي تعرفه أحسن من اللي ماتعرفوش
Partial equivalence
What goes up must come down.”
الدنيا دواره يوم ليك و يوم عليك
Partial equivalence
You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.”
بعد ما شاب ودوه الكتاب
Partial equivalence
Total equivalence has…
Exactly the same translation in the target language, the same literal meaning, and the same message
Partial equivalence means…
The same literal meaning in both languages (ie the same metaphor is used), but different vocab/ structure used. The message is the same too.
Non-equivalence means…
There is a completely different translation - ie different words and structure. The literal meaning is also different (ie a different metaphor is used), but the underlying message remains