Trade Unionism 1834 - 1870+ Flashcards
When were the Swing riots?
When/ What was the Tolpuddle Union?
1834 - arrested under the illegal oaths Act of 1797 even though TU had been legal for 10 years
sentenced to 7 years transportation
When was the ASE founded?
What 3 unions was the ASE comprised of?
The General Smiths, Steam Engine Makers Society, The Old Mechanics
What did William Allen create within the ASE?
a rigid administrative system, eg) elected assembly and membership costs
How many £ did the ASE have in 1852?
What did the ASE strike against in 1852?
How did the attitudes of the ASE shift, what impact did that have?
shift from strike action/ militancy to negotiation
Victorian society was more receptive
What was NMU (New Model Unionism)?
more peaceful ideas
generally skilled workers
Aristocracy of Labour
contrast of skilled workers to unskilled
The Molestation of Workmen Act
1859 - allowed peaceful picketing - demonstrates uncertainty among the establishment - left verdict down to local authority
How much money did the ASE provide to the strike fund of the London Builders in 1859 - 60?
London Trades Council founded
What in 1865 catalysed Dronfield in starting the TUC?
a paper on Trade Unions he delivered to ‘The National Association for The Promotion of Social Sciences’ Conference was omitted from their report
What was ‘Junta’?
the unofficial name for the leaders of the London Trades Council, included members of the ASE
What was UKAOT?
United Kingdom Alliance of Organised Trade - 1866-67 - collapsed due to finances and involvement in the Sheffield outrages
The first TUC meeting
attended by 34 delegates
represented 118,000 TU members
The Sheffield Outrages
1866 - Saw Grinders Union insurrection
included the murder of an employer
Birmingham Trades Council
The Royal Commission
1867 - following the Sheffield outrages
divisive conclusions = majority and minority reports
What was in the Majority report of The Royal Commission?
called for the separation of strike funds from general funds
power of veto
What was in the Minority report? (accepted)
full legislation and protection of TU funds
What 2 Acts of 1871 were impactful on Trade Unions?
Trade Union Act - fully legalised TU
Criminal Law Amendment Act - picketing illegal
How many members of TU in 1874?
1 million - force to be reckoned with
What happened to TUs after 1867 Reform Act?
became more politicised
1) gained some electoral power
2) wanted to send labour representatives to parliament