Definitions Flashcards
The economic/ political system were businesses are owned privately and run for profit
system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.
Closed shop
where the employer will only hire people who are members of a specific trade union
starts a business in hope for profit - often some risk associated with it
Skilled trade - made by hand
refuses to join withdraws from a trade union
Protesting outside the workplace
money paid to shareholders in a business from the profits
a political/ economic system that favours common ownership of the means of production, and the establishment of cooperatives
Cooperative economics
people unite to reach their common social and economic needs
Laissez faire economics
economic system where businesses exist and trade free from government intervention
Hunger politics
movements for political change incited by economic issues like poor harvests
a set off principles that determine how a state is governed
where an MP is sponsored by a lord to present his views in the house of commons
Pocket Borough
borough is owned, land owner controlled the voting
Rotten Borough
a borough that has very few voters, often the MP could be selected by one family
publication or speech that incites the people to rebel against the establishment
two party system
2 main parties dominate the government, one governing and one opposition
halls in the HoP wher MPs may meet members of the public
Adullamite (1866)
anti reform faction of the liberal party
relates to agriculture - economic system based on agriculture
Joint stock bank
A bank where multiple shareholders split profits and liabilities
Cottage industry
manufacturing carried out in peoples homes
What is the difference between parliament and government?
The government are the people in charge of the country, parliament are an elected body who ensure the government take into account the views of the people.
Trade Union
a group of people of the same profession, who band together to protect their rights and interests
New Model Unionism
emphasised negotiation over strike action, artisan trades, and conservative views
Aristocracy of labour
distinction between elite proletariat (skilled workers) and unskilled workers
workers paid according to the amount they produce
trade unions congress
small administrative district typically having its own church and a priest or pastor.
condition of being poor, and in the receipt of poor relief
a prison design that allows all inmates to be observed by a single watchman
Less eligibility
the workhouse had to be worse than the street
Non - conformism
refusal to be bound by accepted beliefs and customs