TP5 Flashcards
Cancro da próstata
is an adenocarcinoma, and 80% of cancersorig- 225
inate from the posterior “peripheral zone” of the gland
Mutação mais comum
somatic translocation 200
fusing the androgen-responsive gene TMPRSS2 with a gene encoding an ETS-family transcription factor, which could be ERG,
ETV1, ETV4, or ETV6.
- sem relação com o prognóstico
amplification of the androgen receptor(AR) gene and somatic mutations of AR associated with resistance to anti-androgens, a group of drugs that block androgenbinding to AR
Fatores de risco cancro da próstata
Age >50
Race (higher risk in African-American men)
Family history
BRCA2 gene mutation
Sintomas do cancro da próstata
Frequenturination Difficulty starting urinary stream Urgency to urinate Weak urinary stream Erectile dysfunction Pain during urination or ejaculation Blood in urine or semen Bone pain in pelvis, back (spine) Weight loss Incontinence ofurine or stool Weaknessor paralysis of legs
- Centro de saúde - PSA (4 é o limite máx normal) e toque retal
- Se superior a 4 - biópsia por ultrassom transretal (por PSA elevada ou toque retal confirma nodúlo) - retirar 2 amostras de cada uma das 6 regiões da próstata.
- Gleason score. (1 e 2 não é cancro, 3 a 5)
- Tamanho
prostate cancer is most often categorized as metastatic or localized, with localized cancers subdivided among low-, intermediate-, and
high-risk disease.
Prognóstico do cancro da próstata
Intermediate- and high-risk cancers warrant staging evaluation, whereas low risk disease, with its characteristic indolent growth pattern, is highly unlikely to demonstrate metastasis.
Metástases locais típicos
Osso e linfáticos e retroperitoneu.
Metástases prostáticas ósseas
Blásticas e não líticas como a maioria
Managementof localized prostate cancer
- active survillance
- active treatment (pacientes jovens ou com cancro intermédio e alto risco)
- cirurgia - prostatectomia
- radiation - brachytherapy (iodine 125 na próstata, mais nocivo)) and external-beam radiation therapy (EBRT - x ray em várias direções mas não diretamente no órgão)
EBRT + hormonal - “medical castration”
and androgen deprivation therapy (ADT): erradicação da produção de testosterona - 3 anos
Efeitos secundários da ADT próstata
hotflashes (similar to hot flashes experienced by postmenopausal women), weight gain, loss of lean muscle mass, loss of bone density with increased potential for fractures, loss of erections, loss of libido, and potential development of diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular complications.
Managementof metastatic prostate cancer
- ADT lifelong
- inibição do recetor de Androgénios
Problemas da ADT
ADT offers several years
of disease control before the development of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC).
tratamento para mCRPC
docetaxel chemotherapy.
- taxano
- estabilização dos microtúbulos levando à morte por impedimento da mitose.
Mecanismos de resistência que levam ao mCRPC
- amplification of the AR gene,
- activating mutations of AR,
- expression of aberrantly spliced AR mRNA variants that are insensitive to anti-androgen therapy
- up-regulation of androgen biosynthesis from non-gonadal sources, including the adrenal glands and the cancer cells themselves.