Toxoplasma Flashcards
Sample and method
Sabin-Feldman antibody dye test- disable tachyzoites by methylene blue!
Complement fix
Histo sample of brain/ muscle-HE
Mouse inoculation
Cannot distinguish from Hammondia hammondi
Unsporulated oocysts in cat faeces
Patency max= 20 days
Position of parasite
Develops in intestinal epithelia, all cells are infected
Sporulated oocyst
2 sporocysts with 4 sporozoites each
Host and vector
FH: cats and lions
IH: mammals and birds
infection from oocysts in the environment or ingestion from IM host e.g cow
Facultative heteroxenous
V. euryxenous
Life cycle and development
1) the oocysts in the faeces become sporozoites
2) acute inf: the sporozoites become tachyzoites
3) tachyzoites find cell to infect– immune system– becomes bradyzoite in cyst! this is in the case of chronic infection
Develops in intestinal ep, but can survive in extraintestinal tissues
Morph of tachyzoite/trophozoite
Divide by endodyogeny (special type of binary fission)
Long and thin
May also be found in cysts without a wall
Clinical signs
Acute: Dx, fever, depression
Cats: pneumonia, encephalitis, enteritis
Dogs: CNS symptoms
Human: mental disorder, newborn blindness, miscarriage
Patho signs
Related to extraintestinal!
Rabbits: disseminated: necrotic foci/granulomas in liver, spleen, lungs
Dogs: disseminated in conjunction with Rubarth’s/ canine distemper
Sheep and goat: white-yellow necrotic spots on the placenta