Toxicology Flashcards
What is the withdrawal pattern of alcohol
First 24 hrs is the least concerning symptoms beyond 24hrs and up to 48 hrs seizure and alcohol hallucinosis, and Delrium tremens 48-27hrs.
What other stimulant drug can cause hallucinations via intoxication?
Besides aggression what other defining characteristic can wee see with PCP intoxication?
Patient presents with bloody diarrhea and darkly colored stools, elevated LFT’s and creatinine what mineral was consumed?
Patient presents with blue violet/gingiva. He is a pescatarian and only eats shellfish?
3 yo presents with headache and fatigue with pallor (MCV 70) and gingival hyperpigmentation.
Sideroblastic anemia
Patient that works in a battery factor presents with paraesthesias in his hands and feet.
Arsenic posioning
This intoxication leads to the formation of oxalate crystals in the urine
ethylene glycol
Patient rescued from a burning home has the odor of almonds
What are the symptoms of anti-cholinergic toxicity?
Dry as bone, red as a beet, mad as a hatter, blind as a bat, hot as a hare, as full as a flask
Patient presents with clenched jaw poor dentition, and anxious, what drug abuse are you suspecting?
Patient with altered mental status, bilateral miosis (pinpoint pupils), respiratory depression, bradycardia, hypotension, hypothermia, and dry mucous membranes.