Tounge, Palate, Teeth, Salivary glands, Pharynx Flashcards
Borders of oral cavity
sup: Hard and Soft Palates
inf: Mylohyoid muscle, Geniohyoid muscles
lat: teeth arches, buccinator muscle, Bichat’s fat pad
ant: lips
post: Isthmus of Fauces
Parts of the Lips
External cutaneous part (stratified squamous keratinized epith.)
Internal mucous part ( stratified squamous non-keratinized epith.)
Vermilion border
Lingual papillae
- Circumvallate (ant. to terminal sulcus, taste buds)
- Foliate (lat. side of tongue, taste buds)
- Filiform (sensitive to touch)
- Fungiform (taste buds)
extrinsic muscle of tongue O: mental spine I: fans out from apex I: Hypoglossal nerve F: depression of tongue, protraction
extrinisc muscle of tongue O: greater horn and body of hyoid I: lateral side and inferior surface I: Hypoglossal nerve F: depresses and retracts
extrinsic muscle of tongue O: styloid process, stylohyoid ligament I: side and anterior I: Hypoglossal nerve F: pulls tip back, pulls tongue up and back
extrinsic muscle of tongue and soft palate O: palatine aponeurosis I: side I: Pharyngeal plexus F: elevates posterior part
Intrinsic muscles of tongue
- Superior longitudinal
- Inferior longitudinal
- Transversus
- Verticalis
I: Hypoglossal nerve
Innervation of tongue
Motor: Hypoglossal nerve
Genersal sensory: Lingual(V/3), Glossopharyngeal
Taste sensation: Chorda tympani (VII), Glossopharyngeal
Epiglottis: Vagus nerve
Vasculature of tongue
External carotid - lingual a -
- Dorsal lingual a.
- Deep lingual a
- Sublingual a
Pirogoff triangle
BORDERS: sup: hypoglossal nerve ant: posterior margin of mylohyoid inf: tendon of digastric, stylohyoid CONTENT: lingual artery
Beclard triangle
BORDERS: sup: tendon of digastric post: free margin of hyoglossus inf: greater horn of hyoid bone CONTENT: lingual artery
Lateral groove of tongue
BORDERS: med: hyoglossus m lat: mylohyoid m sup: sublingual mucous membrane CONTENT: lingual nerve submandibular duct hypoglossal nerve sublingual gland
Medial groove of tongue
BORDERS: med: genioglossus m lat: hyoglossus m CONTENT: lingual artery glossopharyngeal nerve
Hard Palate
BONES: premaxilla palatine process of maxilla horizontal plates of palatine bones FORAMINA: incisive fossa (nasopalatine nerve) greater palatine foramen (greater palatine nerves and vessels) lesser palatine foramen (lesser palatine nerve and vessels)
Soft Palate
ant: Aponeurotic palate
post: Muscular palate
midline: Uvula
lat: Palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches
Tensor veli palatini
muscle of soft palate O: scaphoid fossa, membranous part of Auditory tube I: palatine aponeurosis I: branch of mandibular nerve F: tenses palate and opens auditory tube