Tounge, Palate, Teeth, Salivary glands, Pharynx Flashcards
Borders of oral cavity
sup: Hard and Soft Palates
inf: Mylohyoid muscle, Geniohyoid muscles
lat: teeth arches, buccinator muscle, Bichat’s fat pad
ant: lips
post: Isthmus of Fauces
Parts of the Lips
External cutaneous part (stratified squamous keratinized epith.)
Internal mucous part ( stratified squamous non-keratinized epith.)
Vermilion border
Lingual papillae
- Circumvallate (ant. to terminal sulcus, taste buds)
- Foliate (lat. side of tongue, taste buds)
- Filiform (sensitive to touch)
- Fungiform (taste buds)
extrinsic muscle of tongue O: mental spine I: fans out from apex I: Hypoglossal nerve F: depression of tongue, protraction
extrinisc muscle of tongue O: greater horn and body of hyoid I: lateral side and inferior surface I: Hypoglossal nerve F: depresses and retracts
extrinsic muscle of tongue O: styloid process, stylohyoid ligament I: side and anterior I: Hypoglossal nerve F: pulls tip back, pulls tongue up and back
extrinsic muscle of tongue and soft palate O: palatine aponeurosis I: side I: Pharyngeal plexus F: elevates posterior part
Intrinsic muscles of tongue
- Superior longitudinal
- Inferior longitudinal
- Transversus
- Verticalis
I: Hypoglossal nerve
Innervation of tongue
Motor: Hypoglossal nerve
Genersal sensory: Lingual(V/3), Glossopharyngeal
Taste sensation: Chorda tympani (VII), Glossopharyngeal
Epiglottis: Vagus nerve
Vasculature of tongue
External carotid - lingual a -
- Dorsal lingual a.
- Deep lingual a
- Sublingual a
Pirogoff triangle
BORDERS: sup: hypoglossal nerve ant: posterior margin of mylohyoid inf: tendon of digastric, stylohyoid CONTENT: lingual artery
Beclard triangle
BORDERS: sup: tendon of digastric post: free margin of hyoglossus inf: greater horn of hyoid bone CONTENT: lingual artery
Lateral groove of tongue
BORDERS: med: hyoglossus m lat: mylohyoid m sup: sublingual mucous membrane CONTENT: lingual nerve submandibular duct hypoglossal nerve sublingual gland
Medial groove of tongue
BORDERS: med: genioglossus m lat: hyoglossus m CONTENT: lingual artery glossopharyngeal nerve
Hard Palate
BONES: premaxilla palatine process of maxilla horizontal plates of palatine bones FORAMINA: incisive fossa (nasopalatine nerve) greater palatine foramen (greater palatine nerves and vessels) lesser palatine foramen (lesser palatine nerve and vessels)
Soft Palate
ant: Aponeurotic palate
post: Muscular palate
midline: Uvula
lat: Palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches
Tensor veli palatini
muscle of soft palate O: scaphoid fossa, membranous part of Auditory tube I: palatine aponeurosis I: branch of mandibular nerve F: tenses palate and opens auditory tube
Levator veli palatini
muscle of soft palate O: temporal bone, cartilaginous part of Auditory tube I: palatine aponeurosis I: pharyngeal plexus F: elevates soft palate up and back
muscle of soft palate O: palatine aponeurosis, hard palate I: lateral wall of pharynx I: pharyngeal plexus F: tenses palate, pulls walls of pharynx during swallowing
Musculos Uvulae
muscle of soft palate O: palatine aponeurosis I: mucosa of uvula I: pharyngeal plexus F: shortens uvula and pulls it superiorly
Vasculature of palates
Greater palatine artery
Branch of descending palatine artery (maxillary)
Lesser palatine artery (facial)
Innervation of Palate
Greater palatine nerve
Nasopalatine nerve
Lesser palatine nerve
Waldeyer’s lymphatic pharyngeal ring
Pharyngeal tonsil
2 Tubal tonsils
2 Palatine tonsils
Lingual tonsil
Heterodont dentition
Surfaces of teeth
Masticatory surface
Vestibular surface
Lingual or Palatal surface
Approximal surface- Mesial and distal
Parts of teeth
Crown: covered by enamel Dentine: avascular ivory forming mass under enamel Cementum: bonelike mineralized tissue Pulp cavity: loose CT, vessles Neck of tooth Root: attached to periodontal ligament SUPPORTING STRUCTURES: periodontal ligament Periodontium Tooth socket Interraidicular septa
Arterial supply of teeth
Inferior alveolar artery (maxillary)
Superior-Posterior alveolar artery (maxillary)
Superior- Anterior alveolar artery (infraorbital)
Nerve supply of teeth
Inferior alveolar nerve and plexus (mandibular)
Superior dental plexus (maxillary and infraorbital)
Parotid gland
- pure serous
- enclosed by parotid sheath
- parotid duct of Stensen
STRUCTURES EMBEDDED: - parotid plexus of facial nerve
- retromandibular vein
- external carotid artery
- auriculotemporal nerve
- parotid lymph nodes
Submandibular gland
- mostly serous
- in body of mandible
- duct of Wharton - opens in sublingual papilla
. supplied by submental artery/vein
Sublingual gland
- mostly mucous
- between mandible and genioglossus
- supplied by sublingual artery, submental artery
Borders of Parotid nest
ant: masseter m, rams of mandible, medial pterygoid m
post: sternocleidomastoid m, posterior belly of digastric
med: stylohyoid, stylopharyngeus, styloglossus
Pharyngobasilar fascia
- fibrous coat of pharyngeal wall
- attached to basilar part of occipital bone, petrous part of temporal bone
- forms wall of non-muscular pharynx
Parts of Pharynx
Passavant Ridge
prominence of posterior wall of nasopharynx formed by contraction of superior constrictor muscle of pharynx during swallowing
Constrictors of pharynx
1. Superior constrictors: pterygopharyngeal part buccopharyngeal part mylopharyngeal part glossopharyngeal part 2. Middle constrictors: chondropharyngeal part ceratopharyngeal part 3. Inferior constrictors: thyropharyngeal part cricopharyngeal part
Stylopharyngeus muscle
elevator of pharynx
O: styloid process
I: anterior and posterior thyroid cartilage
Palatopharyngeus muscle
elevator of pharynx
O: hard palate, palatine aponeurosis
I: posterior border of thyroid cartilage lamina
Salpingopharyngeal muscle
elevator of pharynx
O: cartilaginous part of Auditory tube
I: palatopharyngeus muscle
Arterial supply of pharynx
upper: facial and macillary artery
lower: ascending pharyngeal artery
lowest: superior thyroid artery
Venous drainage: pharyngeal plexus
Innervation of pharynx
Motor: Pharyngeal plexus - all muscles (not stylopharyngeus, superior constrictor, upper 1/2 of middle constrictor- glossopharyngeal nerve)
- muscous membrane - maxillary n
- oropharynx- glossopharyngeal n
- laryngopharynx - internal laryngeal n (vagus)
Lymphatic drainage of pharynx
Retropharyngeal lymph nodes
Layers of wall of pharynx
- mucosa
- fibrous layer
- muscles
- pharyngeal fascia
Palatine tonsil blood supply
- ascending pharyngeal a (facial a)
- lingual a
- descending palatine a (maxillary a)
- ascending palatine a