Topics 5.2-5.3 Flashcards
Manifest Destiny
The popular belief that the United States had the divine mission to extend its power and civilization across North America
Gold rush
- The mass migration of Americans to California after gold was discovered there in 1848
- One of the most important events tied to Manifest Destiny and California’s statehood
John Tyler
Succeeded William Henry Harrison in the presidency after his death in office, becoming the first vice president to do so
“Fifty-Four Forty or Fight!”
- A slogan, meaning that the United States ought to claim all the territory up to the 54° 40’ in the Oregon Territory or fight Britain for it
- Encouraged Manifest Destiny
James K. Polk
A “dark horse” candidate for the Democratic Party who won the Election of 1844 and who advocated for Manifest Destiny
Stephen Austin
An immigrant from Missouri who established the first legal American settlement in Mexico in 1822
Santa Anna
A general that seized power in Mexico as a dictator
Sam Houston
A onetime governor of Tennessee and army officer, becoming commander-in-chief of the Texan forces
The site of the Texan defeat during the Texan Revolution
Webster-Ashburton Treaty (1842)
Disputed US-British territory was resolved - split Maine and British-Canada, and settled the boundary of the Minnesota Territory
Kanagawa Treaty
Ended Japan’s 200 year period of economic isolation, establishing an American consulate in Japan and securing American coaling rights in Japanese ports
Mexican-American War
A dispute between Mexico and the United States, caused by the annexation of Texas and the United States’ desire for California and New Mexico
Nueces River
The river where Mexico insisted Texas ended
Rio Grande
The river where the United States insisted Texas ended
Zachary Taylor
A leader of the American army during the Mexican-American War, who won the victory at Buena Vista
John C. Fremont
The American leader who overthrew Mexican rule in northern California
Bear Flag Republic
A name used to describe California as an independent republic due to the bear in their flag
Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago
Mexico ceded 1/3 of its territory to the United States, while the United States paid $15 million to Mexico for such territory
Mexican Cession
Under the Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago, the United States took possession of California and New Mexico, and paid Mexico $15 million for them
Wilmot Proviso
A proposed amendment to an appropriations bill that would forbid slavery in any territory acquired by Mexico that did not pass