What is the main Triune God belief
The Christian belief that their are 3 persons in one God
The key beliefs about the Triune God
One God
Within one God three persons ( Father, Son, Holy spirit)
Three persons are all God
All equal
‘Trinity’ and ‘Triune God’ show that God is a ‘Community of persons’
Trinity is a mystery
Evidence in the belief of one god
“The Lord is one” (Deutronomy 6:4 - the Shema)
Where in the bible is it when the 3 persons meet and what does the Father say
During the baptism of jesus with john the baptist
“This is my beloved son, in whom i am well pleased”
John the Baptists aims and why he’s important in christianity
Aims: wash away peoples sins/people to repent/show change for better through baptism
Importance:helped jesus realise he’s the son of God/baptised Jesus
4 reasons why Jesus’ baptism is important
Shows God is 3 persons
The 3 persons are seperate yet united
Jesus realised he is the Son of God
Beggining of the sacrament of baptism
How did Galatians 4:6 help our understanding about the triune God
It helped to explain the relationship between the Trinity and a Christian and that Christians are God’s children and brothers or sisters to Jesus.
3 beliefs on catholic baptism
-Through baptism Christians become a ‘child of God’
-the same holy spirit is shared with all believers in baptism(same as jesus recieved
-going under water in early baptism symbolyized joining jesus after his death and rising out of the water symbolyizes jesus’ resurrection and starting a new life as a christian
4 reasons on the importance of Catholic Baptism
1-person becomes member of the Church
2-Original sin is cleansed
3-person joins in jesus’ death and resurection sharing his victory over death and sin
4-God promises the person to join him in heaven after death
What is apostolic authority ( along with bible quote supporting said by jesus in mathew 6:19
Catholic belief that jesus gave the apostles the authority to lead the catholic church
(Mathew 6:19) - you are Peter, and upon this rock i will build my church
Direct line from bishops today?
Belief that Pope and Bishops are part of unbroken direct chain going back from 12 apostles and jesus himself.
3 more reasons and things about why magestirium has authority
-Church is concillar and hold meetings discussing important issues and making new teachings
-Catholics expected to take these teachings very serious as authority has come from jesus and Catholic Churchbis guided by God to make correct teachings
-when pope makes doctrine he can make it infillable so cannot be wrong
What is the Nicene Creed
A statement of Catholic beliefs, recited today, originally from the council of nicea (325 C.E.)
2 teachings from the Council of Nicea
1-Son is eternally begotten from the father. Begotten means to bring something of the same nature about ( confirming the son is eternal)
2-The Son is constubstantial with the Father - made of the same substance as the Father - meaning no difference in nature (both are eternal)
3 quotes from council of nicea regarding each of the three persons (1 each)
Father - “maker of all things invisible and visible”
Son - “he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the father”
Holy spirit - “who proceeds from the father and the son”