Restoration of friendly relations and when someone goes to church to be forgiven for their sins by God and the priest
Righteous anger
The anger against an injustice
Just war theory
Set of conditions that must be met for a war to be considered justified
Weapons of mass destruction (WMD)
Nuclear,chemical,biological weapons
3 examples of Non violent resistance
Non violent protests civil disobedince,boycotts
The act by which severe pain and suffering(physical or mental) is intentionally inflicted on a person by a public offical
The unlawful use of violence usually against innocent civillians in order to achieve a political goal
When someone is influenced to hold extreme views on religous or political issue. Usually unwilling to see alternate views. This can be dangerous as it can lead to terroism and lead to threatining the stability of society
The death of suffering of a martyr who dies for religous beliefs
Bullying teaching (james 3:8-10) meaning
No human can’t control what words come out of their mouths and anyone who could would be in perfect control of their body
Forgiveness teaching (the lords prayer)
Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who tresspass against us
Teaching about violence in bible
You shall not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment
3 things reconcilliation brings
No pressure or stress
It makes you better/stronger person
Appreciation + acceptance of others
Bible quote on Reconcilliation
mathew 5:24
Justice quote from bible (amos 5:24) and key message
But let justice roll on like a river,righteousness like a never-failing stream! = God wanted His chosen people to obey Him, by ruling justly and behaving righteously, to stop living as hypocrites and idolaters and return to Him.