What is incarnation
Christian belief that God came to earrt in human form (in the flesh) as jesus
3 key ideas on incarnation
(Jesus was…..)
(God loves…..)
(Jesus experienced…..)
Jesus was fully human and fully God
God loves humans so much he was willing to share in humanity fully
Jesus experienced the stresses of being human(hunger,fear,loss,suffering)
What is the annunciation
The announcement to mary that she will be the mother of jesus, the son of God.
3 similarities between mathews and lukes account of the annuncination
Mary was a virgin
Jesus was conceievd by the power of the holy spirit
An angel announced jesus birth
3 differences between mathews and lukes account of the annuncination
Mathew wrote his account for jewish christians whereas luke wrote for non jewish christians
Mathew focused on josephs role in the annunciation while luke focused on marys role
Joseph was told to name the son of god ‘emmanuel’ where as mary was told ‘jesus’
The 3 main titles given to jesus
Son of god
Son of man
The word of god
Reason and evidence for jesus being called the son of God(mark 14)
We believe that jesus is human and god - this emphasises his divine side (mark 14)
Reason and evidence for jesus being called the son of man(mark 8:31)
We believe that jesus is human and god - but he experienced emotions emphasising his human side(mark 8:31)
Reason and evidence for jesus being called the word of God (john 1:1-4)
We believe that God the father expressed himself through jesus-so humans can get to know god through jesus) - (john 1:1-4) - replace the word “word” with “jesus” which will make more sense as jesus the word of God
3 symbols showing incarnation
The ichthus
The alpha + omega
The chi-rho
What does the alpha + omega represent
Represenrs the belief that god is involved in everything from beginning to end of life and that god has no beginning or end (alpha 1st letter in greeak alphabet, omega the last)
What does the chi-rho represent
The belief that jesus is God. And through his death he saved all humans (brought them into relationship with god)
3 statues about jesus
Christ the redeemer
Sacred heart
3 points on how we can interpret christ the redeemer about jesus
Outstrecthed arms remind the cross which jesus accepetd death
Outstrecthed arms symbol of jesus love and obedience to god the father
Outstrecthed arms show that jesus’ love takes all in people,and no one is exlcuded from his love of god shown in jesus christ
3 points on how we can interpret the sacred heart about jesus
A heart is shown often,showing love reflecting the self given human love that jesus has for all
The statues remind people of the words of jesus “ i am gentle and humble in heart”
the final prooof of jesus’ love was when he accepetd death on the cross to save all people,to further this sometimes it’s a statue of jesus suffering
3 points on how we can interpret the crucifix about jesus
Reminds people of the pain and suffering that jesus went through as he died
Jesus death was redemptive meaning through his obedience to god jesus freed all people from the power of sin and death
When catholics look at it they remember the the love of God poured into jesus. This loving obedience to the will of god cancelled the sin of all humans giving the chance to everybody of eternal life with god