Bible quote of god created humans in his image,created and blessed them and told them to be fruitful and multiply
Gensesis 1: 27-28
Bible quote supporting that humans are sexual beings and are seprate - male, and female
Mark 10: 6-9
Consummated meaning
Make marrige complete by having sex
Marriage meaning
The official coming together of a couple what is a commitment of love
Annulment meaning
When the catholic church deems when the marriage wasn’t valid due to no sex(no children) contraception used,forced,dosen’t accept vows
Sanctity of life
Idea that human life is holy and precious
Extramartial meaning
Affair between someone in a marrige and someone not in a marriage
Unitive meaning
Meaning sex unites the couple and deepems their love, becoming closer and more commited and totally give themselves to each other
Marital meaning
Means sex and loves is a gift from God, also marriage is the ultimate commitment because vows are made in front of God and the community
Procreative meaning
Meaning new life through sex and more intensity in self giving when open to new life
Two main meaning of gensesis 1:27
‘God created humans beings in his image; male andfemale he created them’
Humans are in the image of god in their spiritually,morally ,intellectual nature
Humans are made inheriantally different than animals
Three teachings about human body from pope john paul II ‘theology of the body’
Sex in marriage is fuffilment of love between husband and wife
The use of contraception is bad
Extramartial sex is a sin and and distorts God’s original plan for humans
Three reasons the catholic church teach us that sex before marriage is wrong
Devalue the marriage
Virginity makes husband and wife special
God gave us the gift of sex to reproduce so should only occur when potential for new life
3 catholic views on contraception
It goes against the saying from God that you should be ‘Fruitful and multiply’ (genesis 1:28)
It goes against being unitive and pro creative
The only form of contracpetion should be Natrual family planing as it reduces the chances of conception but leaves the decision up to god
3 contrasting views on contraception
Essential to preventing std’s and unplanned pregnancies
The world is becoming over populated so limiting family sizes is a responsible action
Many christian denominations say that using contraception prevents the family having to support to many children
Three catholic teachings on homosexuality
Homosexuality is not a sin
Homosexuality have to be celibate
All people should be loved and respected regardless of sexual orientation
3 catholic views on same sex marriage/homosexuality
They are not allowed to marry in a catholic church
It’s not sacrementally maritial
Can’t fill being procrearive ir unitive