What’s a kippah and why do jewish men use it while praying
A hat/mini cap covering the head. Most men wear it to respect God
Why do men and woman sometimes sit seperately in an orthadox service
To concentrate on praying instead of each other
In which direction does the congregation face and why
Towards jerusalem to show respect to the temple what was their
What is a tallit(shawl) and what do the fringes represent
A cloth around your shoulders to help pray - fringes represent 613 laws
What is the bimah and why is it in the middle
A wooden lecture in the middle for the scrolls to be read off. It’s in the middle because it grabs everyones attension and everyone can see and hear.
What is a menorah and what does it symbolize and why’s it important
Candle stick with 7 branches symbolysing the 7 days of the week. Shows you pray to God every day of the week, and that it’s a flame it’s that God prescene is always there
What is a ner tamid and what does it symbolize
A lamp representing eternal light - symbolysing God in how it’s always on and never turned off so representing Gods presemt on earth
What is the main symbol of judaism what does it represent and it’s importance
Star of david
Represents Shield of king david
Symbolyises jews fighting back and there’s strength and power through king david
What is the most important part of the synagogue and why (what does it represent)
The ark as it holds the torah scrolls. Represents the original ark of the covenant) which held the 10 commandments
What is the most important part of a jewish service
The reading of the torah scrolls
What is a yad and why is it used
A metal stick to point at scripture to help read so then dosen’t get dirty
What is a rabbi
A teacher to teach about the torah and how to live life as a jew
3 differences in a orthodox service rather than a reform service
The service is conducted in hebrew
Men and woman sit seperatley, with men at the sides of bimah and woman up top or at back
All orthodox rabbis are men
3 differences in a reform service rather than a orthodox service
Service can be conducted in hebrew, or own countrys langauge
Men + woman sit together towards bimah not at side
Woman can become rabbis and read the torah
Th synagogue provides a space for…(4)
Charity work
3 things the Synagogue provides a space for prayer
Does daily services
Focal point for rites like bar and bat mitzvah
Focal point for celibration of festivals
3 things the Synagogue provides a space for study
Holds classes to learn hebrew
Fully stocked libarys to enable adults to improve their knowledge and understanding of judaism
Also known as the house of study (beit - midrah)
3 things the Synagogue provides a space for charity
Collects money
Collects items to distribute to the poor and needy at local and international level
Supports jewish charitys like world jewish relief, and holds events to get money for aid to those at need at times of natrual disasters
3 things the Synagogue provides a space for socialsing
Has a social hall used for varying activites for young people,teenagers and adults
Holda youth clubs dor music,drama and sport
Has lunch clubs and other clubs for senior citizens