Topic 6 - electricity ( year ten ) Flashcards
What is the national grid ?
- The national gird consists of a system of transformers and high-voltage cables .
- (although the national grid connects powerstations to -homes , ONLY the transformers and cables are actually called the national grid ).
What is the problem with gettign electricity to homes ?
-Energy is always lost in power cables due to resistance of the ires . (Bigger the disrance between powerstation and homes , a greater amount of energy is lost ).
How do we fix the porblem of energy loss ?
We can reduce enrgy loss by buildiig power stations near hmes . But people don’t really want t live near powerstations .
-Another way to solve this problem is to use transformers .
How does a transformer work ? stage one .
- Eleectricity passes through step up transformers which increase the potential difference to several hundred thousand volts .
- This is because less enegry is lost int he powercables when the potential diference is bery high .
How does a transformer work ? stage wo .
-So the neergy passes through high-volage cables , but this can’t be passes onto homes , as potential difference would be too high .
How does a transformer work ? stage three .
So finally , electricity passes through step-down transformers and they reduce the potential difference to around 230 V and then is passed into homes .
What are good conductors of eelciticity , why ?
Metals are as electrons can flow through mttals .
What are insulators of electricity adnd why ?
Plastic and glass are examples of insualtors as hey cannot conduct electricity as elecrons cannot move through insulators .
Plastic rod rubbing agaisnt cloth (1)
- Cloth is an insultor (it is coevered with ellectrons , these cannot move through cloth as cloth is an insultor )
- Plastic is also an insulator (covered with electrons etc ).
Plastic rod rubbing agaisnt cloth (2)
-If we were to rub the plastic rod against the cloth , electrons from the plastic rod move to the cloth .
Plastic rod rubbing agaisnt cloth (3)
-As electrons have moved onto the cloth , the cloth now hasan overall negative charge .
-The plastic rod has lost electrons , so now has an equal positive charge (same size as the cloth charge )
scientists call this STATIC ELECTRICITY .
What happens in a Van De Graaff generator (1) ?
(Top dome removed)
-As the belt moves , eleecrons pass from the top plastic roller onto the belt .
What happens in a Van De Graaff generator (2) ?
-As the belt moves across the bottom plasic roller , elecrons pass off the belt and are transferred to Earch .
What happens in a Van De Graaff generator (3) ?
-Meaning overtime , the top region of the generator becomes positively charged .
What happens in a Van De Graaff generator (4) ?
-The dome on the generator acts as a store of positive charge - positive chage now builds up on the metal dome , allowign it to spread out .
What happens in a Van De Graaff generator (5) ?
Person holding onto the generator ,has an overall positive charge ,a s the hairs on the head are positive , they repel eachother and move apart .
Electrostatic charge can build up as the fuel flows through refuelling pipe This could cause a spark and trigger an explosion . (Aircraft refueling) .
How to prevent sparking ?
To prevent this , both refuelling truck and aeroplane are earthed , this prevents any charges from building up and leading to a spark .
What is Static Electricity
- When two insulators are rubbed together electrons can pass from one to another .
- When an insulator GAINS electrons , it becomes negtivel charged and when it loses electrons , it becoes positively charged .
-electric field shwon using fieldlines .
Filedlines must be PERPENDICULAR to the surface of the obkect (at 90 degrees ) !!!
-arros onn field line show direction of force .
field lines for a positie object go out
and field lines for a negaitve object go in .
-s you increase hte distnce betwene objects , the force gets bigger s it is clsoe to the center of positive /negative charge .
*further away , furter to the center of posiive/negative charge .