Topic 5 -Particles Flashcards
What is density ?
Density tells us the mass for a given colme
Density (kg/mcubed) =Mass(kg)/Volume(m3
What are regular and irregular objects ?
Regular objects have diemsnions that are easy to measure .
Irregular objects cannot easily measure thier dimensions .
How to work out denisty of regular objects ?
-Determine mass using a balnce .
Volume - measure legnth of side and cube it as volume is lwh
density = mass dividied by volume
How to work out density in irregular objects ?
-Find mass of a object usign a blance .
-Fill an eureka can with water .
-Now put object into warer causign water to be dispalced and flow out of the spout of eurkeka can .
-Now measure the ovlume of water that has been splacd - same as the volume of obkect .
Ten do density = mass /volume .
Characteristics of a solid .
Extremley hard to cpmres (sqeeze )
-Particles in a solid are packed together in a reufalr patter.
-lmost no spaces betwen prtciles .
Fixed shpe so can’t flow form palce to place as particlees in a solid can vibrate but cannot move from place to place .
Charcateristics of a liquid?
Liquids are hard to compress .
-Particles are close togetehr with not many spacces between them .
-Unlie soids , liquids take of thier container ans they floww from place o place as particles in lquid can move .
Characteristics of a gas ?
Extremelye asy to compress
As particles of gases re widely spaced .
Gases spread ot and fill space of heir container
Paricles in a gas move around quickly and ranodmy .
Change the state of substance …
by putting in or taking out energy .
Changing a solid to a liquid ?
Known as melting .. Moving around liquid - so more kineic energy in those particles than in a solid .
Put energy in to convert solid to a liquid - energy needed ot break the ofrce of attratcion between partciles , once force broken particles can move around .
Stronger froce ofatreaction …
more enegry needed ot be put in to break ofrces . Higher melting point . ax low melting point as forces of atraction between bonds weak .
changing liquid to to solid
freezing at its melting point
liquid to gas boilign at bilign point - strong forces of attraction betwen particles so high boilign enegry , lot of of energy eeded ot break forces in a liqudi .
Gas to a liquid
Problem with particle model ?
S-Simpel particle model represebts all particles as solid speres , particles have lots of different shapes and are not solid .
-Simpe particl emdoel does not show forces betwen particle incorrect , forces between partciles have a major impact on mmelting and boiling oint of a substance .
All particles have …
Kinetic energy
-particles also have potentioan energy (ointremolecular and chemical bonds .)
What is internal energy ?
Energy stored in a system by the peaicles .
-Total kinetic energy and potential neegry of all aprticles (atoms and moelcules ) that make up a sytem .