Topic 3 - Waves Flashcards
All waves …
Transfer energy from one palce to another .
In transverse waves ,.
oscillations are perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer . (oscillates up and down and direction of energy side ways ).
exmpale ripples
Longitiudinal waves .
examples - sound waves these rtravel a particles move from side to side ,
-oscillaitons parallel to energy transfer (side to side waves move )
-A longitudinal wave alsoo travels a medium to travel in , air liquid , solid .
In contrast with Transverse waves , these do not all require a medium .
Its the WAVE that travels not THE WATER .
What is amplitude ?
Amplitude of wave is the furthest poitnt a wave vibrates from its undistrubed position
(lin ein middle ).
What is wavelength ?
Wavelength of a line is the distance froma point on one wave to same point on the adjacent wave .
(Symbol for wavelength remeemberr )
-wavelength difficult for longitudinal wave usualy give TRANSVERSE wave .
What is the frequency ?
Frequency is th enumber of waves passing per second .
Unit of frequency is Hhz
1Hz is one wave per second .
What is the period ?
Time in seconds for one wave to pass a point .
Period (s) = 1/Frequency(Hz)
What is the first stage of waves in a solid RQP ?
String attached to a vibration generator .
- Othe end hanging mass , keeps string taut .
- Vibraiton geenrator attached to signal generator allows us to change frequency of vibrations of strong .
What is the second stage of waves in a solid RQP ?
-When we turn it on , the string vibrate s, difficult to see bibrations but as the certain freqeucny we see a stadning wave .
Standing wave is due to an effetc clled resoannce .
What is the third stage of waves in a solid RQP ?
Measure the wavelength of the sanding wave using a ruelr , Measure legnth of stadnign wave from woodern bridge to vibration geenrator .
What is the fourth stage of waves in a solid RQP ?
Calculate spped of wave usign euqatin
Wavespeed = Frequency (Hz) *Wavelength (m)
What happens if we increase wave length
Get half ways
calculate wave length by
Dividing total length of wave / by number of half wave lengths and *2
So what does the waveseped of the string dpeend on ?
It does not depend on frequency or wavelegth but the taughtness of string and mass per cm .
WHat does a ripple tank do ?
Observe fetaures of water aves .