Topic 4 Electricity Flashcards
Draw a cell
open switch
closed switch ammeter
check sheet .
What happens when you clsoe the setich in a series circuit ?
- Electrons flow out of the cells and move around ciecuit .
- Current flows from the NEGATIVE end of the cell to the POSITIV end of the cell ..
- electrons carry energy from the cell and pass this neergy to the components of the circuit
example , what happens to the lamp ?
Electrical energy is transferred to light and thermal energy .
-when electrosn return to POSTIVE end o f thr cell , they carry less energy than they did at the negaitve end .
Coventional current < crrent flows from neagtive top ositve end .
What is a series circuit ?
- There anre no branches , current will only flow in one pth .
- An ee;ectric current is a flow of electric charg aroudn a circuit . Unit of electric current is Amps ‘A’
- Measure current ina circuit usign an ammeter .
Key fact about current in a series circuit ?
-Current is never used up in a circuit , ina series current , current is the saml all he way roudn (ammter same reading evryhwere ).
conventional current
flow from positive end to negaitie end > althgouh that isnt true thats how scientsits draw.
What are parallel circuits ?
Contain branches
current spllits some of the current passses thorugh bulb
Crrent n branches ADDS UP TO TOTAL current leaving the cell .
energy stroe store changes
Cells storees chemical enegry trandsferred to electrons electricl chage and passing thoruhg the componenes transferred as other forms of energy .
What is Potential difference ?
Also known as voltage
-tells us how much energy is transferred in electrical circuilt
1V = 1 joule of energy transfered to ech coluloumb of charge moving through the cirictui .
Measure Potential difference usign voltemre .
More compoenents in a serie circuit
lamps and stuff will be dimemr as total neergy has to be shared between them .
But the total pd of components is euqal to the total potential difference acros the cell .
Which one is bright
one lamp with 6v
or one with 3v
Lamp with volatgeo f 6v is brighter as it is transferrign more neergy than lamp with 3v .
for components connected i parallel …
potentnial difference across each component is the sam e.
What is a battery ?
A batetyr is wo or more cells connected togther .
-cells in batetry must be correct directin
left isde positive .
What is electric charge measured in
Coloumbs A current of 1amps is = 1 coloumb size of electric current is th same as the rate of flow of electric charge we work out charge charge =current (a)*time(s) c*as
Why does energy transer tke lace ?
- electric current is a flow of electrons thorugh a conductor like a metal wire .
- As more elcecorns collide witha toms of metlas . eLECTICAL ANERGY TRANSFFERED INTO THER FORMS OF ENERGY LIKE THERMAL .