T13- Forces In Action Flashcards
What is a moment ?
The turnign effect of a force
how to calculate moment ?
Moment (Nm) = Force(N)* Distance (M)
Newton metres not NEWTON/ ETRE .
-When calculating a momet , the distance HAS to be perpendicular to the line of action of the force too the pivot .
Check sheet of the reallly bad drawn spanner nut
The turnign effect of the force is centered arounf the PIVOT , which is at the CENTER of the nut .
-A force od 50 N is being applied ,
the ditanc ebetween the line of action of the FORCE to the PIVOT is 0.3m and this is perpendiviular to the lilne of action of the force to thep ivot .
-So the MOMENT IS 502 IS 0.3M = 15Nm
WHAT IF it is at angle not perpedicular tho
We cant usr this distance chekc the sheet
-has to be the perpendicular distance .
A sesaw is abalanced about the pivot in the center
Each person is applying a momet due to their weight (the forceo f gravity acting ont heir own mass .)
-Person in the righ tis applying moment in the clockwise direction EXAMPL ECLOCKWISE MOMENT .
-Perosn on THE left is applying a moment in the clockwise direction CLOCKWISE MOMET .
-Person on lweft applying moment in the antilcolckwise direction ANTICLOCKWIDE MOEMT .
cockwise moment =anticlcokwise moemt
-We can sue this to calculate the force or the disrance from the pvito
person b is applying a force of 50n and 0.7m from thepiot .
person a applying force 500n calculate distance persona should be so seesaw is abalnced
Why objects topple
block on flat surface .
-The weight of the block (force due to gravity)
acts directlyd own fromt he center of mass .
-IId you tilit the block
-There somes a point where the line of action of the weight lies outisde the base of the obejct .
-Now there is a resultant (unbalanced) moment acting on the block .
-Causing the block to topple
Symmetrical object center of mass
-TGhe center of mass is along the lline of symmetry where the two lines interect is the center of graviry .
cetter of mass for an asymmertrical object
need stand clampa ndboss nd in the clamp need a cork with a pin .
-Also nee da plub line ..
s1 Asyymetrical
mark two holes in the object
S2 symmetrical
Hold it up by the first point of suspension .
-Hang the plumbline infront of it .
-Mark thrr two points along this line then join the two points together .
s3 asymmetrical
then hang the object up y the second point and then repeat the stage .
s4 assymetrical objects
where the two lines interesect is the center of gravity .
s5 asymmetrical objects
if the oject balances on your fingerr then we have found the objects center of gravity .
check sheet for resolving forces
watch video on resoling ofrces and exa practice question in video , answer it .