topic 5- policies towards the jews and the untermenschen during war and final solution Flashcards
when was the wansee conference
20th january 1942
who led the wansee conference?
what was decided at the wansee conference?
- the final soloution to the jewish question which was externimation at death camps acroess europe and germany
- was called jewish question to keep the plan hidden from the world
- hitler didnt attend and there is no evidence of hitler signign off on any of the final solution attrocities
how many holocaust victims died as auchswit?
what was auswitz 3 used for
as a industrial complex where jewish workers were used to mare ammunition for the war
what doctor worked at auchwizt
joseph mengel or the ‘angel of death’ perfromed horrific acts on twins to work out how to expand the master race and see if they both felt pain ect.
what camp killed the most amount of people?
treblinka killed 1 million people and was only open for open year 1942-42
what was the first camp to be opened
killed 145,000
what was the split of prisoners in mejadank
60% jewish
what were partisan groups
groups of jewish resitance in mainly easterneurop who would camp out in forests and sabotage nazi procedures
in 1942 how many jewish partisans were there in lithuania
evidence of partisan groups posing. a threat to nazis
hans frank (governer of the general goverenmnt area in poland) called for large security backup to find 20 different partisan groups
sobibor revolt
1943 800 prisoners escaped afer revolt
warwaw ghetto uprising
may 1943 armed revolt to stop the deportisation of jews to the death camps
what were death marches
by 1944 when the germans were suffering a military defeat and many camps were being closed down or liberated the ss camp leaders led the jews to walk all the way to difference camos