topic 4 anti semitism phase 2 Flashcards
what characterised the second wave of anti semitic policy
- radicalisation
- hitler wanted to, when the war began, be more violent and radcial with anti semitic policy because he no longer needs to uphold his position on an international stage and he was begining to create his ‘unfiied germany’
what did the 1939 invasion of poland bring the nazis
- a bigger jewsih problem due to the 3.5 million jews
what dates was the second phase
when did reichkirstalnakt take place
9-10 november 1938
goebels did this on the anniversary of the munich putsch to attempt to please hitler
events of reichkristalnakt
- in retaliation to the ‘murder’ of Earnst von Rath jewish homes and businesses were vandaillised and looted
- 191 synagogues were set alights
- orchastred by the goebels in parictular. the sa and ss who were insructed to not wear uniforms to make it look like a pogrom from the community
- 91 jews killed
- 1000 injured
- 20-30,000 jews placed in ‘prevetnative detnetion
public reaction to reich kristalnakt
- most were horrified and appauled
decree for the restoration of the street secene
jews had to pay the bill not insurance companies
- had to pay 1 million for compensation the economy
impact of the anchluss
- anchluss banned by TOV was regained in march 1938
- despite plebescite against it
- austrians welcomed german troops and the ‘bloodless’ victory emboldened hiter to invade more countries such as Cezosolvakia and Sudetneland
- more jews being uncoved in these countries rpomoted more radical action against them
what was the madegascar plan
- moving jews on to madegascar which was first promoed in the 1930s by the french
- nazis planned to send 4 million there that would be finances by the sale of remianing jewish property in europe
- long term elimination of jews by ‘natural wastage’
why did madegascar plan fail
- failure by 1940 to beat british or get peace deal meant that the british navey would be able to dscrupt them en mass
what does the magegascar plan show about the final soloution
- the ‘jewshi question’ was still an un resolved issues even into the 1940s
- the final soloution was therfore never inevitable
- however the long term goal to remove all the jews was set there just wasnt a method or location yet
decree of regisation of jewish property
provided consfication of all jewish owned propoerty over 5000 marks
idenfitying laws
- all jewish passports had to be stamped with an J
- stipping them of all identiy in 1939 saw a law that meant all jewish women were to be called darah and men had to be called israel
what impact did the war against poland have?
- porvided more terriroty for jews to be ‘resettled in’
- poland carved in to 3 areas the general governemt areas
- came across 3.1 million poor, orthadox unasimilated jews who posed a stategic probelm as to what do do wuth them
- dumped in general government area
- 1939 reich ghetto established by nazis with awful consitions to make peole die
how many jews were deported to general goverment areas to face awful conditions?
- 550,000
hans frank complained that berline ‘could not take any more jews’