policies towards the youth Flashcards
why were you youth so important to the nazis?
because they were the future of the nazi party living on pat hitler so they needed to indocrtinate them to secure the 1000 year reich
what was the singificane of education and hitler youth together
children’s free time was controlled from 7;30-7;30 meaning there was little time for anti-nazi indoctrination from home
what was the singificane of education and hitler youth together
children’s free time was controlled from 7;30-7;30 meaning there was little time for anti-nazi indoctrination from home
what anti intellectualism policies were implamentned in schools?
- 1939 PE took up 2 hours day to promote physical fitness and not educational strength that could challenge nazi beliefs
- number of uni students decreased
what were uni numbers resticted to?
from 113,000 in 1933 to 57,000 in 1939
official mantra for teachers
‘school is to train human beings to realise the state is more important than the individual’
how was the cirriculum changed to promote antisemitism?
- teaching of eugenics through maths questions about jews taking up the resources of healthcare and fianances
- children taught that the stab in the back and disapir of the first world was was caused by the jews who signed the armisticee
how was militarism promoted within the education system
having to salute the flag and do military drills
creates in 1933 for age 10-18 to develop future military leaders in a military boarding school
adolf hitler schools
free military baring schools rivialing NAPOLAs but weere so bad that nazis wouldnt sned their kids theere
what were the aims of nazis indoctrination towards children
- obdeieicne
- be willing to sacraficee life for your country
- girls to carry healthy children
- boys to be stong to fight
- to idealise hitler
when were all youth groups banned?
how many members in hitler youth in 1939
8 million out of 8.9 million
who was the hitler youth leader?
presetned to germans as a demi god emobdying all that was fine about the german youth
neurmburg jambouree
1935 100,000 memebers of thee Hitler youth went
900 girls 14-18 became pregnant
what could the pregnancies form the jambouree show?
- that youth werne tbeing controlled as highly as teh nazis thought they were
- or could dhow that women were living up to thier baby making role
what could the pregnancies form the jambouree show?
- that youth werne tbeing controlled as highly as teh nazis thought they were
- or could dhow that women were living up to thier baby making role
why did hitler youth programmes may not have been as effective
they drew people in with exciting and exhillerating activies to make the nazi party look fun
but when in the group focued changed to military drills and reading of. progadandist books which didnt interest young children
why did hitler youth programmes may not have been as effective
they drew people in with exciting and exhillerating activies to make the nazi party look fun
but when in the group focued changed to military drills and reading of. progadandist books which didnt interest young children
youth oppositon
- eidelewiss pirates had 3000 memebrs aged 14-19 dreailed trains
- swing youth