topic 1- Weimar Republic early years key facts Flashcards
how many germans died in WW1
2 million
what was inflation like between 1914-1918
average prices doubled
wages rose by 50-75%
aims of the October reforms
- secure Germany best possible peace terms from allies
- prevent a revolution from below
who made October reforms
when did prince max of Baden become chancellor
3rd October 1918
What were Prince Max’s constitutional reforms?
- kaiser give up powers over the army to reichstag
- chancellor accountable to reichstag not kaiser
- wrote to president Wilson to make an armistice
What role did Fredrich Ebert Play
- 1st chancellor of democratic Germany November 1918
- Elected 1st President January 1919
How many votes did the Weimar constitution get in Reichstag July 1919?
262 votes for : 75 votes against
How many parties in the Reichstag?
How many representatives in the reichstrat?
67 representatives from 17 länder
How many Coalitions were there between 1919-1923
How many votes did the embittered reichstag accept with the Treaty of Versailles with
237 for : 138 against
Who signed the Treaty Of Versailles?
Territorial arrangements of TOV?
- 13% territory lost
- 12% German population lost
- Polish corridor lost 1 1/2 million Germans
- Anchluss forbidden with Austria
How much of Germany’s resources were lost TOV?
- 48% iron ore
- 16% coal
- 15% agricultural production
War guilt article TOV?