topic 4- anti semitism phase 1 Flashcards
what defined the first phase of anti semitic policy
- legal prosecution
- hitler keen t uphold his international position so didnt want to be too violent and wanted to look as thouhg they were in control
- attempts to force pwople to leave by thier own accord
emmigration succsesses
- in 1933 emmigration increased from the usualy rate for 25,000 a year to 37,000 a year after laws such as civil service laws
emmigration failures
- standard rate was only 25,000 a year, would take until the 90s for them all to leave
- emmigration was hard due to language barriers and difficulty in obtaining visas
- jews didnt want to leave as the low levels of peresecution they were facing between 1933-38 were similar to everywhere else, nothing new
jewish business boycot
1at april 1933 national policy to boycott all small and large jewish businesses was implamented, overseen by the SA on the streets
- chained up department stores as well as interupring jewish court proceedings in berlin
- SA unofficially started this on their own before it became national policy
succsesses of boycott
in 1933 there were 500,000 jewish small businesses
by 1938 only 1/4 remained
failures of boycott
- only lasted 1 day when it was suposed to be permanent
- irritated a lot of germans with many purposefully only used jewish businesses in resistance
- open public outrage at situation
1933 laws for the reconstitution of the civil service
- dismissal of all non aryans from the civil service
- hindenburg demanded there be a clause exusing anyone who fought in the WW1
- ## when hindenburg died this clause was scrapped and as 2/3 germans in civil service were saved due to this were then dismissed
succsessed of 1933 civil service law
- psycologically and economically effected jewish germanys
- led to immigration in 1933 upping to 37,000
banning of jewish doctors
- propaganda spead message that jewish docoters were a threat to society, arguing that jewish docters treating aryans was dangerous
- arpil 1933 banned jewish docters form seeing non jewish pateints
- 10% of docters were jewish
failures of doctor ban
many continued on with normal practice because of high demand
law against overcrowding in school
april 1933
- reduce number of jews who could attend state education
- aryan students to get mroe attention and resources
- educated jews were made out to be a ‘threat of society’
- managed to achieve segregation
limitations to school legislation
- process took until 1938 to complete so jews had nearly 5 more years in education
- jews coudl still attend private schools
1935 neuremburg laws
15th september
- reich citizenship law: can only be a german citizen if you have full german blood. jews and non- aryans now subject to less rights
- law for the protection of german blood: outlawed marriage between aryans and non aryans, illegal for non aryans to marry a jew or have sexual relations with one
- aryan women pressures to leave jewish husbands due to loosing jobs
- jewish men convicted of these crimes would have been sent to concentration camps
first supplementary decree on the reich citizenship law
- defined what consituted to a ‘full jew’ : someone who had 3 jewish grandparents
- half jews labelled as mischlinge
failures of first suplamentary decree
- hard to interpert as definition baed on number of grandparents when many people had converted to chirstianirty
- made enforcing inconsistnet
- getting faluse documentation became a large demand ont he black market
- michlinge able to continue to live relatively normal lives ad can even serve as lower ranks in army
reich press law
- oct 1933
enabled the regime to apply strict censorship and close down publications they disliked
- jews had a prominent role in journalism silencing a large number of jews
- many journalists and editors forced to leave the country