Explain how nitrate may cause the death of fish in fresh water (5)
- Growth of algae/algal bloom blocks light
- No PHOTOSYNTHESIS so plants die
- SAPROBIOTIC microorganisms/bacteria
- Aerobically respire
- Less oxygen for fish to respire
Describe the role of microorganisms in producing nitrate from the remains of dead organisms (3)
- Saprobiotic bacteria/microorganisms break down remains/dead material/protein/DNA into ammonia/ammonium
- Ammonia/ammonium ions into nitrite and then into nitrate
- By nitrifying bacteria/nitrification
Explain decrease in gross productivity as woodland matures (2)
- Less light
- Reduced photosynthesis
Use your knowledge of net productivity to explain why biomass shows little increase after 100 years (2)
- Net productivity = gross productivity minus respiratory loss
- Decrease in gross productivity/photosynthesis/increase in respiration
Explain why an increase in shoot biomass can be taken as a measurement of net primary productivity (2)
- Represents dry mass/mass of carbon
- Represents gross production minus respiratory losses
Explain why CO2 uptake in plants is a measure of net productivity (1)
Shows photosynthesis/productivity minus respiration/more carbon dioxide used in photosynthesis than produced in respiration
Large areas of tropical forest are still found on some Caribbean islands. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the air of these forests changes over a period of 24 hours and at different heights above ground. Use your knowledge of photosynthesis and respiration to describe and explain how the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air changes:
- over a period of 24 hours
- at different heights above ground. (5)
- High concentration of / increase in carbon dioxide linked with respiration at night / in darkness;
- No photosynthesis in dark / night / photosynthesis only in light / day;
- In light net uptake of carbon dioxide / use more carbon dioxide than produced / (rate of) photosynthesis greater than rate of respiration;
- Decrease in carbon dioxide concentration with height;
- (At ground level) less photosynthesis / less photosynthesising tissue / more respiration /
more micro-organisms / micro-organisms produce carbon dioxide.
Suggest and explain why the rate of photosynthesis was low between 525 nm and
575 nm wavelengths of light. (2)
- Less absorption/more reflection (of these wavelengths of light)
- Light required for LDR/photolysis
- Green light/colour of chlorophyll
Describe what happens during photoionisation in the light-dependent reaction. (2)
- Electrons are lost
In muscles, pyruvate is converted to lactate during prolonged exercise. Explain why converting pyruvate to lactate allows the continued production of ATP by anaerobic respiration. (2)
- Regenerates/produced NAD OR oxidises reduced NAD
- So glycolysis continues
Explain why the trained mice (regular exercise for 6 weeks) could exercise for a longer time period than the control mice (no exercise). (3)
- More aerobic respiration produces more ATP
- Anaerobic respiration delayed
- Less/no lactate
At the end of a sprint race, a runner continues to breathe rapidly for some time. Explain the advantage of this (2)
- lactate/lactic acid has built up
- oxygen used to break down lactate/convert it back to pyruvate/glucose/glycogen
Explain why respiration produces more ATP per molecule of glucose in the presence of oxygen than it does when oxygen is absent (2)
- Oxygen is final electron acceptor
- Oxidative phosphorylation provides most ATP/only glycolysis occurs without oxygen/no Krebs/no link reaction
In muscles, some of the lactate is converted back to pyruvate when they are well supplied with oxygen. Suggest one advantage of this (1)
(Pyruvate used) in aerobic respiration/(lactate/lactic acid) is toxic/harmful/causes cramps/(muscle) fatigue
Describe the process of glycolysis (4)
- Phosphorylation of glucose using ATP
- Oxidation of triose phosphate to pyruvate
- Net gain of ATP
- NAD is reduced
Denitrification requires anaerobic conditions. Ploughing aerates the soil. Explain how ploughing would affect the fertility of the soil (2)
- (Fertility increased as) more nitrate formed/less nitrate removed/broken down
- Less/no denitrification/fewer denitrifying bacteria
Suggest two ways in which crop rotation may lead to higher crop yields (2)
- Grow crops/plants with nitrogen fixing bacteria
- Different minerals/salts/nutrients/ions
- Different pests/pathogens/diseases
Describe the role of saprobionts in the nitrogen cycle (2)
- (They use enzymes to) decompose proteins/DNA/RNA/urea
- Producing/releasing ammonia/ammonium compounds/ions
In muscles, pyruvate is converted to lactate during prolonged exercise. Explain why converting pyruvate to lactate allows the continued production of ATP by anaerobic respiration. (2)
- Regenerates/produces NAD OR oxidises reduced NAD
- So glycolysis continues
Define negative feedback (1)
Where a change triggers a response which reduces the effect of a change
Explain how ADH increases the movement of water from the lumen of the collecting duct into the blood (4)
- ADH causes vesicles containing aquaporins to be inserted into membrane/collecting duct wall
- Water enters cells through aquaporins
- Via osmosis
- (From cell) to capillary
- Via interstitial fluid
Explain why it’s important that neurotransmitters are transported back out of synapses (2)
- (If not removed) keeps binding (to receptors)
- Keeps causing action potentials/depolarisation (in postsynaptic membrane)