Topic 2B Synovial Joints Flashcards
what are 2 types of monoaxial joints?
hinge, pivot
what are 3 types of biaxial joints?
planar/gilding, condyloid (ellipsoid), saddle
Hinge joint looks like?
a hinge lol (elbow, knee)
name a weak saddle joint in the body
what joint can be either biaxial or triaxial?
saddle and planar/gilding joint
synovial joints are also called _______
diarthrotic joints
what is the difference between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis?
Osteoarthritis - breaking down or tearing out of the hyaline cartilage on the bone, one joint involved
Rheumatoid - autoimmune disorder, inflammation of multiple joints
what are ways to relieve arthritis pain?
heat, cool, replacement, exercise
Synovial Joint: Monaxial/Uniaxial Movement occurs in how many planes?
One plane
Synovial Joint: Biaxial movement occurs in how many planes?
Two planes
Synovial Joint: Triaxial/Polyaxial/Multiaxial movement occurs in how many planes?
Three planes (+)
Pivot Joints are functionally classified as_______(in terms of its degree of movement) and why?
Uniaxial(monaxial) b/c only a single axis of movement)
Hinge Joints are functionally classified as_______(in terms of its degree of movement)and why?
Uniaxial(monaxial) type of joint/s, b/c ony a single axis of movement
Condyloid Joints (ellipsoid) are functionally classified as_______(in terms of its degree of movement)and why?
Biaxial joints b/c they allow two planes of movement
Saddle Joints are MOSTLY functionally classified as _________ Joints
HOWEVER some sources classify them as _________( ______or________)
Biaxial Joints
triaxial (polyaxial or multiaxial)
Plane Joints are functionally classified as…. But usually classified as?
Multiaxial joints, but usually classified as Biaxial Joint due to primary movement is only available in 2 planes
Ball and Socket Joints are classified functionally as…
Multiaxial joints
What Joint has the greatest ROM?
ball and socket
What stabilizes a synovial joint
Synergists are/do?
synergists helps premote movement by adding force.
A pivot joint looks like? what?
Like half a toilet paper roll holder. (rod connector through hole)
a hinge joint looks like
a door hinge with long rod like connections on its top and bottom
a saddle joint LOOKS LIKE A SADDLE
plane joint looks like?
a flat square with a smaller square on top of it. atop the smallest square there is a cylinder
condyloid joint looks like?
an egg chair. (like a ball and socket but has a ball inside a double socket.
Ball and socket looks like
a ball and socket
Fixators are/do?
fixators stabilize muscles and bones